chapter 8

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I woke up and changed into some new clothes. I put on a blue and white shirt on that fell off my shoulders. I then pit on faded blue ripped skinny jeans. I put on a matching black beanie and went down stairs.

I found Monica in the kitchen making eggs. she new I wouldn't eat eggs. that bitch. I walked over to the cupboard where we kept the cereal.

I got a bowl and a spoon then poured the reses puffs into my bowl. I added the milk and went to the table and ate my food.

"you look gorg today babes. Niall is going to love it." Monica said winking at me. I flipped her off and continued eating my food. I finished and put the empty dishes in the sink and went back up to my room.

I went into my closet and grabbed a pair of black ankle length boots. I slipped them on and ran back down stairs with my black Calvin Klein purse.

"where are you going?" Monica asked raising her eye brows.

"caribu." I said slipping out the door. I always walked to caribu since it was only a few blocks away. Monica knew that I only went to caribu when I had to think about something.

I reached the door to caribu and walked in.

"what can I get you miss?" the nice cashier asked.

" can I get a medium milk chocolate mocha cooler with light whipcream?" I usually got that. it was my favorite.

" yes you can." she said with a smile. I handed her a five dollar bill then walked to the end counter.

she handed me my drink.

" thank you." I said as I turned to the seat behind me and I pulled out my phone.

from: Niall is a sex god

wanna do somethin today?

to: Niall is a sex God

umm...maybe. depends what you wanna do?

from: Niall is a sex god

any thing. I really dont care I just want to get to know you better.

to: Niall is a sex god

how about....urm... I dunno

from: Niall is a sex god

urm? how about pizza and a movie at my place. just you and I.

to: Niall is a sex god


from: Niall is a sex god

how bout I pick you up now?

to: Niall is a sex god

I'm at caribu at the moment. but you can pick me up here and save me some time.

from: Niall is a sex god

alright stay there. ill be there in five min.

to: Niall is a sex god


Nialls P.O.V

After sending that txt to Emma I got up and ran to my car out side. I unlocked it and hopped in. I put the key in the ignition and headed to caribu. she wad waiting outside.

she looked beautiful. but she reminded me of Lou with her stripped shirt, and her Brown hair and blue eyes. I gave her a smile and opened the door for her. she got in and buckled up.

"hey beautiful." I said with a slight blush creeping onto my face.

" hey Mr sex god." she said starting to blush a bit as well. I could tell she liked me a bit. well I liked her a lot. I hope she gives me a chance very soon.

I laughed a bit at what she said.

"so are we going to get a couple movies now?" I asked

"sure, scary movie?" she asked I could tell she loved them.

" how about a comedy and a scary movie?" I asked with a smile.

"yes! we should get Ted and mama." she said excitedly.

" alright. after I get back out from the store we can go pick up the pizzas and pop. wait here ill be back in a few minutes." she nodded and put her head phones in her ears.

I got out and ran into the store as fast as I could. I came back out with some candy, pop, movies, and pajamas for Emma.

I got back into the car and handed her the bag. she looked at the pajamas with a lop sided grin.

" Niall, one direction night gown?" she said.

"yes I thought when your not sleeping over at my house, you could still sleep with me." I winked at her. she blushed then put the pajamas back into the bag.

I drove to the pizza place and ran inside. I came out with a cheese pizza, a pepperoni pizza and two bags of bread sticks. after all the shopping was done we headed over to my place.

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