chapter 25

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We stayed in eachothers arms for a little while longer then an annoying Doncaster boy had to interupt the moment.

"GUYYYYSSSS STOPPPP MAKKING BABIES!!!" Louis screamed from the bottom of the hill. niall and i looked at each other and smiled. we got up and walked down the hill.

"Louis I really should put your head on a stick and then eat." I say proudly. Louis screams like a girl then runs down the path.

"well that was effective." niall says with a laugh.

"yeah it was." I say joining him.

we walked down the path to the car. niall got in to the front seat I got into the passenger seat. we drove back to the hotel.

"so niall..." I say

"Hmmm?" he mumbles.

"What are we going to do tonight?" I ask.

"Um..sleep. we have a concert tomorrow in Madison square garden." niall says with a grin. I couldn't believe how much progress they had made since 2010. now they were playing in MSG. that's amazing.

"Ok. what song are you guys singing?" I asked curiously.

"I wish, Gotta be you, more than this, up all night, everything about you, save you tonight, little things and kiss you." he said as if it was simple.

"wow." was all I managed to say.

Niall's P.O.V

we talked a bit in the car mostly about the MSG concert tomorrow. I was a bit nervous but mostly excited and amazed at how far we had come.

we pulled up to the hotel. we parked the car and headed up to our room. we walked into our room. she immediately ran to our bedroom and slipped her dress off. she  ran to the bathroom to remove her make up. as she did that I grabbed a light snack and stripped down to my boxers.

she came out wearing a skin tone bra and matching skin tone lace underwear. I walked over and kissed her on her cheek.

"You look beautiful no matter how you look. but you look even more beautiful with out make up." I said hinting.

"Niall I look hideous with out makeup ok lets face it." she said with a smile.

"No no you don't. you look absolutely stunning. I love you." I said grabbing her hand and walking over to the warm inviting bed.

"I love you too. " she said cuddling me.

I pulled her closer to my chest. I wrapped my arm around her waist. we both soon fell asleep to the soothing sound of our breathing.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. hmm I wonder where she went. maybe she just went to get coffee or fresh air or something. nothing to worry about. I knew we would be heading over to MSG soon to rehearse and stuff like that so I took a shower.

I stripped off my boxers and walked into the warm water. I let it fall on me for a few moments to wake me up. then I washed my hair and my body. once I was finished I turned the water off then stepped out. I dried my body off then walked into the empty bed room.

I walked over to my suit case and pulled out a clean pair of boxers they were my shamrock ones. I wear those for good luck. wait who am I kidding im Irish I am good luck.

I then pulled out a simple white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I slipped on my black high tops and headed over to MSG. Emma would probably know I was there but just in case i'll leave her a note.

hey Emma I headed over to MSG. see you in a few hours I love you -Niall.

with that I left.

Emma's P.O.V

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