chapter 27

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ok so imma be gone all weekend so I wont be able to update...wel actually I will. but my phone is slow and it drives me crazy. so just I case I don't update this weekend ill make this chapter long.

but if I get bored excpect chapter 28 sound good?

well read me lovelies......


even though I love watching the boys preform, but today I didn't feel like it. so I decided to just sit in nialls dressing room until they came back out.

i pulled out my iPod and plugged in my head phones. the first song that came on was oath. I love this song. I sat there singing to myself.

then I noticed something amazing......French silk pie. it was unattended all by its self on the cart of deserts. how could I et something that good go to waste? niall will be singing for hours, its almost like he wants me to eat the pie.

niall wouldn't mind. so ill eat it.

"Ohhhh mahh god." I whispered to myself. that pie was the best thing I have tasted in a long time.

I finished off the pie downing it with some Coca-Cola.

I sat back down on the couch pleased and full. damn that pie was really good.

niall wont mind. he probably didn't even know it was there. plus he knows its my favorite pie therefore he walked right into it. Ha-ha no one messes with my pie...NOONE

I laid down on the couch listening to music and counting the tiles on the ceiling.








damn im tired. I soon fell into a deep sleep.

*Emma's dream**

"emma you are the most beautiful thing ever." niall said looking into my eyes.

"niall...stop watching me look at the sunset it is much prettier than me." I said looking away from niall to admire the beautiful setting sun.

god this is so romantic, watching the setting sun on a beach.

"no this sight is much better." niall said leaning in to kiss me.

I leaned in and we kissed as the sun set. making this a perfect moment.

I could feel him smiling against my lips. that made me smile. we parted. we diverted our attention back to the sunset. by then it was almost all the way down.

niall stood up then reached his had down to mind. I took his had as he helped me up.

I taped my shoulder lightly "tag your it." he said running off into the distance.

well he can play tag but im going for a nice little swim.

I stripped off my bathing suit and plunged into the cold ocean water.

niall noticed this and joined me. he started walking over to me.


"Emma, Wake up" then I started shaking rapidly.

**End of Emma's dream*****

"Who wants to die?" I snapped getting up and opening my eyes to only see two beautiful pools already looking at mine.

She's not afraid (Niall Horan) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now