chapter 10

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Niall picked me up off the floor and carried me back to his room. he set me on his bed and then sat next to me.

"please Em, you can trust me. please tell me." he gave me the puppy dog face. I nodded then sighed.

"alright....but what I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone." I sighed looking down at my hands. Niall grabbed my hand and intertwined them with his.


"ok, I guess now or never. when I was 15 I was dating, who I thought at the time was a really nice guy. everyone liked him, not only for his looks but his personality too. we dated for several months. then he told me that he wanted me, really bad."

Flash back**

"so, Em we've been dating for quite a while now. right?" he said looking at me with his big brown eyes.

" Kyle your not proposing to me are you?" I said laughing.

"no, I just thought, well ...."

"well what....just spit it out."

"I really want you, all of you. right now."

"Kyle, I thought you understood that I don't believe in sex before marriage."

"well I did. but I was hoping you would change your mind, for me."he leaned in ans started to kiss me. he forced his tongue past my closed lips. I pushed him away. I got up from the couch and moved to the other side of the room.

"no, I can't." tears were trying to force there way out of my eyes. I wiped them away.

"well I guess ill do it myself." I lokked at him. I ran towards the basement stairs. before I reached the bottom step, Kyle picked me up and carried me to his room down the hall. he threw me on the bed and shut the door. I couldn't yell. no one was home. we were alone.

"take your clothes off now, bitch.".tears rolled down my eyes as I pulled my shirt over my head.

" don't even cry. you asked for this." I pulled my pants off. I imediatly covered my body the best that I could.

he took his clothes off. all of them. he walked over to me and pulled my hands away.

"I'm going to make you feel so good."

he pushed me back onto the bed and started kissing my neck. at the same time he unhooked my bra. he slipped it off and threw it.

he then pulled my underwear down. he came up to my mouth and shoved his full length in. he started pumping, faster and faster. I soon felt a warm liquid pool into my mouth. he pulled out and worked his way down.

I spit out the disgusting white liquid. he went to my lower area and shoved two fingers into my entrence.

" babe your so tight. let's change that." he started fingering me harder and harder. I hated this. I sat there crying. he continued to finger me for half an hour. I bet he thought I was going to cum. well he thought wrong.

he soon caught on and then shoved his length into my entrance. he held onto my hips. he gripped them tightly. I could feel the bruises already. after a half hour or so he pulled out and got dressed.

I got dressed and ran home. I immediately took a shower to get rid of the feeling. but nothing could. that boy took my innocence, my ability to trust.

I cried my self to sleep for days. I finally went back to school after a week of being 'sick'.

everyone was watching me. I didn't know why. until Jenna came up to me.

"such a little slut you are. was it fun losing your virginity?" how dare she? how dare he? he told everyone I had.consensual sex. he's just lucky o was too ashamed to tell anyone about it.

I ran home and cried some more.

Flash back over***

Niall just looked at me. no expression. his blue eyes darkened, his hand gripped mine tightly. I started crying. did he not like me anymore? did he think it was my fault?

"Em." Niall finay said.

"yeah?" I managed to say in between sobs.

"I had no idea. I'm so sorry."

"don't be. you have no reason to be. so don't."

"em I Carr for you. just know you can trust me. I would never do that to you. I also won't let anyone lay a single finger on you, in hopes to hurt you."

"thank you so much Niall" he nodded and leaned in and kissed me on my cheek.



"would you please come on tour with me and the boys, you and Monica?"

authors note~

ok I.couldn't help myself. I had to update I had nothing better to do plus I had to keep my promise.

wow she.told Niall. then Niall asked go on tour. how many liked this chapter?




follow me on Twitter @Louis_nialler13

read my other fan fic too ~ Haillehoran~ search that I loved you first.

thank you soo much love you guys....

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