Chapter 13

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I got dressed and ran out to the waiting Niall. he grabbed my hand and we walked down the side walk.

I grew closer to Niall as I saw paparazzi surround us.

"Niall who's the mystery girl?"

"are you two dating?"

"what's your name sweetie?"

"how did you meet?"

"go away! no we're not dating, as of right now. her name is Emma. now shoo shoo." Niall said walking away from the swarm of gossip hungry fiends.

"do they know how many relationships they ruin on a weekly basis? wait Niall did you just tell them we're not dating as of right now?"

" I think they enjoy tearing people's lives apart. and yes. I didn't know what we were after that kiss last night so I told them we weren't. are we together?"

I bit my lip. I didn't know what we were. don't get me wrong I would love to be nialls girl friend. I could tell he wanted me to be too.

"should we give it a try." I asked hoping his answer wouldnt break my heart.

"well I think we should, atleast if you want to, too."

" sure. it couldnt be too bad." I hope I didn't just jinx it.

Niall smiled and pulled me closer. we finally reached caribu. I got my usual.

"what can I get you?"

"a milk chocolate mocha cooler." I said pleased with my order.

"ill get the same." Niall said.

"ok that will be eight dollars." Niall handed her the money then we walked to the pick up counter.

"after this we should go to my flat and pack my bags."


"shit." I muttered


"I forgot I promised Nica I would hang with her today when I got home."

"its fine. ill spend loads of time with my beautiful girlfriend before we leave in two days. cause I'm taking you out for our first date on thurday night."

"ok ..." is all I managed too say. he left me almost speechless. Niall dropped me off and I kissed his.cheek and.ran inside. just before I opened.the door I waved goodbye to my new boyfriend. wow I loved that.

Niall james Horan was my boyfriend now.

he waved back and I opened the door..I trudged upstairs and started to pack my bags. I started singing "little things"

" your hand fits in mine like its made just for me. but bare this in mind it was meant to be. I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheek and it all makes sense to me."

Nica walked in and.sat on my bed and listened to me sing.

" you have an amazing voice. when will you admit it?"

"do not"

" so what's up with you and Niall?spill it now"

"well we kissed, I told him about Kyle. now.were dating." I paraphrased it.

"wow. well harry and I are.just friends for now." she pit emphasis on the 'for now' part. I laughed then continued to sing. I.had no idea she was recording me.

"I know you've never loved the crinckles by your eyes when you smile you've never loved your stomach or your thighs. the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I love.them endlessly." I.finished packing and stopped singing. Nica stopped recording.

" what were you doing?" I asked as I saw Nica attach a video message to Niall.

"you will see" she gave me a.devilish grin.

from: Niall is God

I didn't know you sang like an angel.

to: Niall is a sex god

that's cuz I don't.

"Nica I'm going to kill you."

she ran out the door and down the hall. I spared her and decided to go on Twitter instead.

I was horrified by what I saw.

"who's the ugly slut that's with Niall?"

"she should die"

"she doesn't deserve him"

"guys she perfect. all that matters is that she is keeping Niall happy."

I tweeted the girl back.

"@1Dfantasy: thank you soo much for defending me. it means a lot. dm me ill give you my number."

"@niallslittlelepracaun: ok!"

I got a dm.

"@1Dfantasy thanks so much again here's my num. 555-543-6743. my names Emma. what's yours?"

"@niallslittlelepracaun its no problem. mine is Malina. ill text you now."

from: malina

so are you and Niall official?

to: malina

yes. please continue to help me. I need people on my side if this relationship is going to last.

my phone soon blew up.

"@niallofficial:@niallslittlelepracaun is the best thing that ever happened to me. please stop spreading hate. she doesn't need it. she is kind and beautiful." I re read the last sentence to my self for hours. soon all of the boys spoke there mind on twitter.

to:Niall is a sex God

thanks.for defending me.

to: carrot king

thanks for defending me

to:the cat.whisperer

thanks for defending me

to: liam Payne

thanks for defending me and your name on my phone is the only normal one on here how boreing liam. tisk tisk.

to: zayn Malik is amazayn

thanks for.defending me.

only 3 of the 5 boys replied

from: Niall is a sex.God

anything for my favorite girl.

from: carrot king

anything for nialls girl

from: the cat whisperer

no probs chica.

I wondered if harry was on crack I laughed

I.went down stairs to watch.the note book and a walk to remember with Nica. I got to the ending of the second movie. I felt my body grow frail.

I ran upstairs and crawled into my warm inviting bed. I love my relationship with my bed I turned my phone off in attempt to not be woken up by my phone screaming at me.


omygoodness thanks for all the reads. I responded to all the comments. thanks for voting and reading.

btw the Twitter names I made up. I'm sorry if those are anybody's Twitter names. if so please just pretend its you and not Emma or Malina.

also I'm open to ship names for Niall and Emma I'm thinking Nemma how does that sound. comment your thoughts and ideas.

I have loads more drama in store that will keep you reading. I hope you like it. I have a devious plan in-store for all of you amazayn readers and voters out there.

please comment/vote/fan/ follow me on twitter.

thanks guys ill up date tomorrow like always.

lobe you bubye.....

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