chapter 18

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Niall's P.O.V

Emma and I share a room. I could tell she was a bit worried to be in America though.

"Emma where did you used to live?" I asked as she watched out the hotel room window.

"New York." she said with a pale face.

"Are you going to be" I asked walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Maybe...I don't know." she said with a sigh.

I knew her dad was looking for here. I had to protect her. keep him away from my sweet Emma.

"Babe" I said turning her around to face me.

"Huh?" she asked staring into my eyes.

"I wont let him hurt you." I said. I could tell she knew who I was talking about.

"I-I just don't know anymore." she managed to say before she started to cry her eyes out.

"I wont let him come near you. even if that means having you with me or one of the boys at all times. ill try to keep the paps away from you  as much as possible. im not like Kyle" Shit Kyle. New York....Kyle was here. I had to protect her from Kyle and her dad. how fun.

"I know but Ni," she said took a deep breath then continued. "I-I trust you." she said pulling me into a hug. we sat there for what felt like hours holding each other up. embracing each others company.

"I wont ever let some one hurt you ever again. your too perfect to let go. I promise to never leave you or hurt you." she pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Promise?" she said.

"Promise im never gonna let anyone hurt you. I will never leave you or hurt you. that is a big time promise."

she nuzzled her head back underneath my chin.i picked her up bridal style then set her on the bed gently. it was pretty late. like maybe 10 or 10:30 maybe.I was to lazy to check.

Emma's P.O.V

niall set me on the bed. I giggled then got back up. I walked over to my suitcase and grabbed a pair of under wear and a bra. I then walked over to nail's suitcase and pulled out a plain white t-shirt.

I walked over to the bathroom before I walked in I popped my head out and looked at niall.

"Care to join me?" I asked looking at him he was thinking for a few moments,

"Sure. he walked over to his suit case and grabbed a pair of boxers.

he joined me in the bathroom. I had already taken my clothes off and gotten into to the warm shower. I soon felt niall climb in behind me. I smiled then turned around so I could be face to face with him.

"wow." he said

"I could say the same." I said looking him up and down. I turned back around to grab the shampoo. I washed my hair then conditioned it. I turned back around to see niall already looking at me. I leaned up and kissed him on the lips.

soon we were full blown making out. our lips moving in sinc with each others. our tongues fighting inside our mouths. it wasn't one of those 'sex' kisses it was a long passionate one. we stayed kissing until we were awoken by a horrible surprise.

the water turned cold. well that ruined the moment. I turned around and turned the shower off. I stepped into my underwear as did niall. I then put my bra on then the shirt.

"You look good in my clothes" niall said pulling me on to the bed. we started to kiss agin.

She's not afraid (Niall Horan) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now