chapter 33

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Monica's P.O.V

I have been calling the treatment center all morning. they keep telling me she's gone. I kept on asking her where she went but they told me that I couldn't know.

god I hate people.

Louis hasn't been himself at all. that's bad really bad. he has been moping around the tour bus not even Eleanor makes him happy anymore. I feel bad for him.

then there is niall. he doesn't eat. he sleeps all day. he only talks once and a while but they are short phrases.

we are in the middle of the tour. we're on our way to Colorado at the moment. everyone is depressed. we are all worried.

I miss my best friend so much. I just want to talk to her.

why didn't I convince her to let me come. I probably would know what's wrong. I would tell her that Amy just wanted you to think they were dating.

god she is such a bitch.

she called niall a few days ago 'apologizing' for what she did. we all knew she just wanted  niall's fame or money. we all knew that. niall answered the phone but he never forgave her. I knew he would never forgive her. none of us will.

I walked into the small kitchen on the bus and made myself a small snack. it was just peanut butter nothing big.

niall was in his bunk as usual.

Louis knows my plan.

but it hasn't been working since we cant get a hold of her. plus it has only been a few weeks so her name isn't anywhere.

I told Louis that she has always been wanting to go to Colorado. there is a treatment center in Colorado. we all were hoping that she came back to the states and fulfilled her dream.

we would be in Colorado in a few hours. they had 2 concerts here. so we would be here for 5 days.

all of the fans want emma to come back. even the ones that hate her. they know now that she is the key to all of the boy's happiness at the moment. everything they need is emma.

I finished off the jar of peanut butter. I need more

I want


"harry." I say innocently.

"Yeah babe?" he asked

"Could you get me a huge jar of nutella? it is one of the only things that cheer me up." I say.

"Ill have paul get it for you. oh what were you talking about with Lou?" he asked a bit curious.

"Emma." I simply stated hoping he would drop the topic.

"Do you know where she could be?" I nodded

"Don't tell anyone else ok. it is just a theory. I don't know for sure. the last thing we need is for niall to get his hopes up to only be broken hearted again." I say. he nodded in understanding. he took out his phone and called Paul and asked him to get my huge jar of Nutella.

Emma's P.O.v

Ella could only transfer to Colorado. but I didn't mind. I've always wanted to go there.

I already packed my bags. ella did too. I got a new phone, since I guess since niall bought it for me it was in his name so I just got a new one.

today was the day I would be heading to my new home. starting over. pushing my past into a box that I hope will never be opened again.

the flight was long but quiet. we had the occasional conversation about news's and what was going to happen when we go there. but other then that it was silent.

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