chapter 6

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"yeah?"Niall asked a bit confused.

" looked a bit...well sad when I told the boys we were just friends. don't get me wrong I love you but I'm not ready for q relationship yet." I said really fast. I had no idea that the words even came out of my mouth. Nialls face looked hurt. his eyes were a pale blue.

"I understand." Niall said with a sad tone. I turned my head facing the window. I just hurt Niall Horan. I'm such a fucking bitch. Niall saw me tense up.

"Em, don't worry. yeah I was a little sad to hear you say that were just friends. I completely understand. you just moved here and you had a rough past..." Niall began but I stopped him before he could continue.

"I'm sorry I said that I just can't stand seeing you sad." I said looking down at my phone. I had just received a text from Louis.

"Louis: remember to use protection.;) xx "

"me: LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON! you are so lucky that I am about a mile away from you or I would have to be held back by one of the boys to prevent you and Eleanor from having little Louis run around" I didn't get a reply. I believe I scared the poor Louis....good. I had a smug grin on my face. Niall noticed it.

"um? do I want to know who your texting?" Niall said with a scared but entertained voice.

"oh its just Lou. I just threatened to cut his balls off." Niall and I couldn't help but laugh.

"what is it with you and chopping Louis nuts off? Eleanor needs those as does Louis." Niall said holding back his world famous laugh.

"I enjoy scaring him." I said with an evil laugh. we pulled up to a small looking flat. Niall stopped the far and hopped out. he ran over to my side of the car and let me out.

"such a gentleman." I said giggling to myself.

"please do come in" Niall said gesturing me to his open door. I walked in and looked at amazement. his house was nice and cozy. I walked over to the couch,and did a belly flop. Niall laughed and shook his head.

" so what are we gonna do." I said playfully kicking my legs around.

"movies?" Niall said.

"sure do you have any scary movies?" I asked looking innocent.

" yeah but I'm kind of afraid to let you watch some after your laughing like a mad woman, or your threatening to chop of one of my best mates nuts off." Niall said with a cautious grin.

"I promise to be a good girl." I said batting my eyelashes at the blue eyed dirty blond hair angel looking at me. he walked over grabbed my hand ane led me to his room. he opened his closet to reveal a ton of movies. I walked in and came out with My Bloody Valentine and Wicked Little Things.

I skipped down the hallway and went back to the main room. Niall went to the kitchen to get some snacks as I shut the blinds and turned the lights off. Niall popped the movie in as we both walked to his room hand in hand. he changed in his room as I changed in his bathroom. he was wearing only sweats. I was wearing a white t-shirt and underwear.

Niall looked amazing shirtless. I know I have seen him shirtless before but that was when I was half asleep or on the internet. I looked at every part of skin exposed and took in his beauty. he noticed I couldn't keep my eyes off him and blushed.

we walked back down the hallway this time I forced Niall to carry me on his back,to the living room. when we finally got there the previews were over and we only had to press play.

Niall looked at me terrified when I laughed like a mad woman again. I enjoyed the blood and gore. I was such a crazy fucked up person.

Niall brushed it aside and pulled me closer. I didn't object. I enjoyed being close to Niall. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over our heated bodies. I could tell Niall was scared. I wrapped my hand up with Niall and gave him a reassuring smile.

next thing I knew Niall was carrying me to his bed and tucking me in. Niall soon joined me. I turned around and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I turned around fell into a deep sleep. my dreams were full of Niall. I didn't want to wake up from my perfect dream.

~authors note

ok so even tho I only have a few readers I'm going to keep my promise and update everyday or so. but please do tell your friends to read. comment vote or follow me on Twitter.

who ever comments has the opportunity to be in the story just comment your name and the role you want to play. ill tell you if you can or not.

thanks guyss......

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