chapter 36

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it's been 2 weeks since I got out of the hospital. my hair is slowly growing back. it looks like I have a buzz cut at the moment. well the time has been going by so fast. I have been enjoying every minute with my friends. my life is complete.

right now we're in Las Vegas. tonight is there last night here then we're going to California. Monica keeps telling me that we're going to Disney Land. I cant wait. I love roller coasters.

im going to be evil and make Harry go on the biggest roller coaster with me.

why you may ask?

because im a BITCH tehe.

"Hey guys." I say as I walk to the back of the bus.

"Hey." they scream.

"God im right here no need for the screaming." I say holding my thumping ears.

"Sorry." they chorus together. I was soon wrapped in niall's arms.

"Hey babe." he whispers. his Irish accent quite prominent.

"Hey." I whisper back.

we pull away and he leads me to the couch. there was no room so he made me sit on his lap.

"comfortable?" niall asks amused with how I sat on him.

"Quite." I say leaning back. he laughs then kisses the top of my forehead.

'You guys are just too cute." Monica cheers.

niall and I start to blush.

'Yeah they are." Louis Coo's. I couldn't help but notice Zayn was being awful quiet. I should talk to him later about it.

"Shush." I hiss. everyone starts to laugh.

Louis pulls out his controller then hands one to Harry and Liam. dear god they start to shout death threats at each other

"Harry no fair." Louis yells as harry kills him for the 3rd time.

"Haha im beating your butts." liam gloats.

god they are so childish.

"What would happen if I put your 3 in a room full of preschoolers?" I asked amused with how immature they acted.

"I think the preschoolers are more mature then them." Monica says. Niall, Monica and I start to laugh like hyenas.

"Are you guys  ok?" liam asks amused with our laughing.

"No." we say in unison.

"We're here." paul shouts from the front. Louis turned off the Xbox then we all ran to the front. we piled off the bus.

the boys went to rehearsals as for Monica and I well we went to there dressing rooms.

"Im bored." I said as I sat on the couch. I decided to invert myself upside down on the couch. Monica laughed at my position and then she joined me.

"We're so weird." monica choked out in between laughs. I was about to answer then 5 tired boys came stumbling into the room.

"Umm? what are you two doing?" Harry and Liam ask at the same time.

"Sitting...Duh." monica says.

"Yeah what does it look like." I added on.

"You two look like a set of bats." Louis joked.

"Shut it or we'll suck your blood." I said in a funny voice. he then shrieked like a little girl.

"You have a few seconds to run." monica said as she positioned herself upright.

"You wouldn't dare." Louis said.

"Or would I." monica said cocking her eyebrow up. Louis let out an ear piercing shriek then ran out of the room.

"Get back her and face me like a man." Monica yelled as she chased the Doncaster boy.

"Harry help me." Louis yelled.

"Boobear im coming." harry yelled as he ran after monica. aww Larry stylinson

"Harry you touch me and ill kill you." monica yelled.

"Hey don't touch my hazza." Louis yelled as he snapped his fingers in a z-formation. after he did that monica tackled him.

"Ow she bit me." Louis yelled. then harry jumped on top of monica. soon everyone but Zayn and I were part of the dog pile.. I took this chance to talk to him.

"Zayn whats up?" I ask as I sit next to him on the couch.

"Nothing." he states.

"Zayn if you don't tell me I will break your mirror and/or your lucky comb." I stated proudly.

"Ok ok ill tell you." he said giving in already.

"carry on." I say

"Ok well I got drunk right?" he says. I gestyure for him to continue. "Well I sort of cheated on Perrie with a waitress, and well we broke up." he started to cry.

"WHATT!!!" I yell.

"I didn't mean to. it just happened she spiked my drink." he says as he puts his head in his hands.

"She'll forgive you I know it." I say trying to comfort him.

"No she wont. she told me she wouldn't." he says as he sobs. I could tell he was really sorry.

"Zayn if she wont take you back because you made a simple mistake then she isn't worth your tears." wow did I just give good advice?

"Your right." zayn said as he wiped his eyes. he pulled me into a hug.

" I love you Emma your like a sister." he says into my ear.

"Oh zayn I love you too. Mrs. Right is out there somewhere." I whisper back.

"Thanks emma.' he says as he gets up. "We should probably get everyone off of Louis now we have a concert to tend to." zayn says with a laugh.

"Yeah." I say as we walk out to the hallway. we broke up the dog pile and monica and I went back to the dressing room.


ok guys in the next few chapter I will be adding zayns new Gf.

comment your real name on this chapter if you want to be his GF.

well guys im sorry it's short but what do you think?



fan pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

bye mah lovlies

love yah guyssss

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