chapter 30

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Nurses P.O.V

"would you like me to tell the others or would you?" I asked the nice boy sitting in front of me.

" couldn't tell them." he said with shock, and pain in his voice.

"Alright then." I said standing up and leading the boy out the door and back down the hallway.

I walked to the waiting room to see 8 pairs of eyes landing on me. I scanned the room looking at them all. first I landed on a blond, he looked distraught that must be Niall, Emma's boyfriend that Liam mentioned.

Then my eyes landed on a boy with Brown curly hair. his name I think was Harry. then next to him was a boy with light brown hair and blue eyes. that must be Louis....Emma's brother.

then i saw a boy with black hair with a blond streak he had a mysteries effect to him, his name was Zayn i think. then i saw 4 beautiful girls. they made me jealous and self conscious. first i saw a girl with long dark brown hair with loose curls her name i think is Eleanor.

next to her was a short girl with shorter blonde hair her name i think is Perrie. then i saw a girl with loads of brown ringlets Danielle i think her name is. then my eyes ran into another blond with tears in her eyes that must be Monica.

"Well Liam wanted me to tell you everything. so listen close questions at the end please." i say as calmly as possible they all nodded.

"Well im guessing you guys know she was abused not only earlier today but when she was growing up to." i saw shocked expressions then i continued. " well she was raped earlier. we are still trying to find out who did it. if you guys hadn't had found her when you did she probably wouldn't be alive right now. well im going to tell you more. things you all didn't know. things Emma didn't know herself." i said gesturing for them to sit.

"well she was adopted by her 'parents' when she was about 6 months old. the last name she told you was her 'parents' last name. her real last name is Tomlinson. Louis she is your sister." i said looking at the boy to my right. the look in his eyes was peer shock.

"well there is more. there is something i hadn't told Liam. i thought i should tell you all at once. well when we were giving Emma her x-rays. we found a small tumor in her brain. it looks cancerous. it is treatable. good thing we found it when we did." i said. there expressions went from shock to sadness in a matter of seconds.

"i will give you a moment alone." i said getting up and waking off.

Zayn's P.O.V

Holy shit she did not just tell us that. is this a joke? it has to be. poor Louis and Poor niall.

Louis's P.O.V

dear god. she is my sister. well she does look like me. we did get along nicely right away. we did have that weird bond that i couldn't explain.

but why did my mom do that?

why didn't she tell me?

now my sister has cancer

i pulled out my phone and dialed my moms number.

"Hi, Lou." my moms voice rang through the phone.

"Why didn't you tell me about emma?" i asked tears threatening to pour out.

"i didn't think you would find out about her." my mom said.

"well i did explain." i said.

"well me and your father ...your real father got together. well it was a one time thing. he wanted to apologies for what he did. i didn't except. well he took me to his place. we had a few drinks. we well you know. i didn't think anything of it. then i found out i was pregnant. i told mark that we couldn't keep another child at the moment so we gave her up for adoption. it was for the best. Louis, how did you find out anyways?" my mom asked.

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