chapter 35

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A/N~ ok I want these girls to inbox me because you guys are asking really good questions that im afraid I cannot answer through

once again this chapter is dedicated to theses amazing girls because you guys always make me smile. your comments are always great CiaraBranham AliniDesirreRosa and Newyorkgirly


Emma's P.O.V

I woke up early the next morning because SOMEONE doesn't know what happens to them when they wake me up at 6a.m. now do they?

"Ella. sleep with one eye open." I groan as I literally roll off the bed.

"Emma your surgery was pushed back to this morning. we have to go to the OR now." she said as she helped me up

"God why do you guys hate me so much?" I asked in a over exaggeration tone

"We don't now come." she says clearly annoyed and amused by my actions.

"GOD." I bellowed and followed her to the operating room. they had me slip on one of those stupid gowns. I sadly did and rested on the operating table. I hate surgery's they always scare me.

"Ok we're going to put you to sleep now. we would love to have you awake for this but under the circumstances that it's your head we are cutting open we cant." the doctor said. well thanks you made me feel so much safer. the way he put it sounded as if it was nothing.

"Ok." I squeaked. I put the morphine and some other drug into my arm. I was soon knocked out.

**Emma"s Dream**

I saw nothing

I heard nothing

then all of a sudden Niall appeared. he was looking at me.

I was walking towards him. closer and closer. he pulled me into a tight embrace. soon the black faded and we were on a beach. I don't know where but it was at night, the sun just set.

he grabbed my hand and pulled me along the edge of the beach our feet being drenched by the rolling waves.

niall tried to say something but I couldn't hear him. I blinked then he was gone. I was still on the beach...alone now. I ran up and down the beach calling his name. but nothing. he was gone. just like that.

then everything went back as if nothing happened.

"End of Emma's dream**

my eyes were slowly drifting open.

I was in my room again. I lifted my hand up to my head. there was a bandage wrapping around it.

"your awake" ella said in a happy tone as she walked in to the room.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Well it went really well." she smiled. "We were able to remove it with ease. Emma, your tumor is gone!" she cheered as she ran over and hugged me.

I can be normal again.

I was left speechless. nothing to say.

my thoughts were filled with my friends and family.

"Also we are almost positive that it will never return." she said hugging me once more.

"Really?" I I actually spoke.

"Yeah." she said. she waved then walked out the door. I pulled out my phone to text everyone.


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