chapter 9

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we finally got to my place and she ran upstairs. I was a little suspicious. so I followed her up. she ran into my room and shut the door. I opened the door quietly to find her digging through my droors.

"what are you doing, babe." I asked watching her curiously.

"sweats...desperate need for sweats and t-shirt." she said still rummaging through my droors once again.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed grey joggers and my white sleevless t-shirt. I handed them to her. she ran to the bathroom and came back.

"hey, guess what." she said with a grin on her face that stretched from ear to ear.

"what?" I said. I was just a little bit terrified.

"I'm on my period. so your going to be my cuddle buddy for the next couple days or so." she said still smiling.

"ok, so does that mean you will be staying with me until then.?" she nodded and grabbed my wrist.

Emma's P.O.V

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his car. I hopped into the drivers seat and drove to my flat. I ran upstairs and packed a bag full of pads, tampons, sweats, t-shirts, and midol. I put on my Brown uggs and folded them over and ran down stairs.

I went back to the car and drove back to Nialls flat. we hopped onto the couch and started to cuddle. he pulled the blanket over us and we began to watch Ted.

we almost died of laughter. we put mama in and I shut up this time. I laughed maybe 6 times. other than that I comforted Niall. he was a bit shaken up.

after the movie I ran to his fridge and came back with two mountain dews, cookies and chips. I loved nialls house.

" care to share?" Niall asked grabbing at the chip bag. I pushed.the bag towards him and opened my drink. I handed Niall the other one.

when I was finished indulging, I decided to take a shower. I ran upstairs to the bathroom in nialls bed room.

I heard Niall walk upstairs and down the hall. I heard him open the guest bed room door then shut it. I turned the shower on then pressed my ear to the wall and listened to Niall talk to some one.

" hey!" Niall said enthusiasticly.

"I have an idea. but don't tell Emma yet." hmm don't tell me what?

" well harry, you already know I like her a lot. well I don't want to leave her behind, when we go back on tour. I think we should bring her and Monica." he said. I could hear his voice get quiet. wait,.what? Niall likes me? that explains a lot.

I hopped in the shower and started humming a joyous toon. I hopped out and got dressed.

I walked over to nialls bed and climbed in. I pulled out my phone and started to read dark. it was a really good fanfic I couldn't stop reading.

the door opened and a very nervous Niall appeared. he walked in and shut the door behind him. I couldnt keep my eyes off him. nor could he keep his beautiful blue eyes off me.

his eyes reminded me of a never.ending ocean. I watched him carefully as he stripped down to his Calvin klein boxer's.

he hopped into the bed next to me. his body was so hot and it was pretty sexy. I put my phone on the side table then cuddled into the crook of nialls neck.

I felt happy, and safe. sitting there in nialls arms made me think about Kyle.

I felt tears start dripping down my cheeks then onto nialls bare chest. I felt his deep pools starring at me.

"is everything ok Em?" he asked in a worried


"n-nothing...i-its n-nothing" I managed to say.

"no,no its not." he said pulling me closer.

"I'M FINE." I screamed running out of the room and down the hall. I ran down a hall that seemed to go on forever. I opened a door that was on my right. I ran in and hid in the closet, under several blankets.

"EMMA!!" Niall screamed opening and closing doors.

I nuzzled under the blankets further. my heart stopped when I heard Niall open the door and walk in.

"Emma, please talk to me. I went into all of the other rooms. Em, I know your in here." Niall said opening the closet door and pushed the blankets asside.

"please, em talk to me." he looked at me with those big blue pools. I couldn't hide my past any more. I had to tell him.


hey guys...thanks soo much for reading. I hope you like it. well can I get 5 votes. if I get 5 votes ill add the chapter.

maybe she'll tell Niall about her past. well comment/ vote/ fan me

thanks guys...I love you guys soo much....byee

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