chapter 22

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A/N~ this P.O.V is very graphic. just a warning. you may want to skip it.

Niall's P.O.V

Emma and I continued to kiss. her beanie had fallen off. I slowly started to take off her batman shirt.

I failed miserably. she giggled then assisted me. she slipped off her leggings. now we were both I our underwear. she peeled her socks off and threw them next to her clothes. we started to kiss again.

as we were kissing I managed to un hook her bra. she slipped it off then threw it across the room. I pulled off my boxers.

she then took off her underwear. she sat propped up on the bed by her elbows. she kept on eyeing me up and down. then her eyes fell to my erection.

"OH did I do that?" she asked innocently. I laughed then nodded. I climbed on top of her.

I started to kiss her neck, slowly moving down. she let out small moans of pleasure.

I couldn't help but think she would be the first person I ever did this too. you see im still a virgin. well after today i wont be.

I reached her belly button and started to play with her belly button ring. she giggled. I  mad my way lower and lower until I was in between her legs.

I looked up at her asking for permission. she nodded. I continued. my face grew closer and closer.

Emma's P.O.V

his head was no in between my legs. I felt him slightly nip at my clit. I let out a deep moan. oh what was this boy doing to me.

he looked up and smiled. he started to rub me clit. he slipped two fingers into me then began to pump. I bit my lip to hold back the moans. but it was no use. they slipped out.

niall pulled his fingers out then slipped then into his mouth. his head dipped down. his tongue entered my entrance. he slipped it back into his mouth then made his way back up.

"Time for me to return the favor." I said wiggling my eyebrows.

he sat t the edge of the bed. I was kneeling down in front of his big length. I brushed his tip with my tongue.

before I even realized it I had his whole length in my mouth. I started pumping it. he let out several moans. once I was finished I slipped it out then stood up. niall was still sitting on the edge of the bed.

I pushed hi back the climbed on top of him. I kissed him. our tongues wrestling each other.

he flipped me over. now he was on top of me.

"Ready?" he asked

"Yeah." I said giving him a smile. he lowered  then slipped into me.

at first he moved slow and soft. the he gradually started to move faster and harder. I moaned loudly.

my walls tightened 

"Niall." I moaned "Im so close."

"Me too." soon we both cummed.

after about 10 minutes he pulled out. good thing too .


a few minutes later....

"Well that was amazing." niall said breathlessly.

"Yeah." I said. I got up and put my clothes back on. I had 10 minutes. "shit" I muttered under my breath.

"what is it?" niall said putting clothes on as well.

"I have to be in the lobby in ten minutes." I said struggling to put my shoes back on.

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