chapter 2

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"wow" I managed to say walking into a huge, fancy room.

"make yourself at home, babe." Niall.said. He couldn't stop looking at me. I don't get why, I'm nothing special to look at. I walked over to huge couch that was located in the center of the living room. I plopped down it was so comfy. I could live on that couch. I was soon joined by Niall. soon I heard three sets of heels come down the staircase.

"hey guys. who are they?" Danielle, Perrie and Eleanor said.. they all walked over to.there boy friends hugging and kissing them.

" this is Emma and Nica. " Harry said pointing us out.

" hey. " Danielle says. then Perrie then Eleanor.

"what should we do?" Zayn asks.

"nandos!!" Niall screams. we all groan.

"yes Niall we can go to nandos but what else?" zayn says.

" movie? " Louis suggests.

" yeah" we all say in unison

"let's go out to see one. how about a scary movie?" Harry suggests holding Nica's hand. we all knod then head to theater. when we reached the theater Niall and I were last in line.

"Do you want to sit next to me?" Niall said with a shy smile. I grab his hand and nodded. He was now smiling. We held hands the entire time. We sat in the middle of the theater. Everyone else was screaming. As for me I was laughing like a mad woman.

" Are you ok?" Niall asks with a scared look on his face. I laugh and nodded. After the movie ended we all exchanged numbers. Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor had to go. after the other girls left we went to nandos.

"what's good here?" I asked. Niall gasped and lighty smacked me on my cheek. I laughed

" well i like just plain chicken." zayn says with a smile.

" that sounds good ill get that." we ordered. nothing much happened. Niall ate all of our leftovers. we payed and left.

"Do you girls want to sleep over?" Harry asks with a smile.

" Sure. But we don't have any clothes" I said with a grin.

" We can lend you some for the night" Niall said. We knodded and headed back to the boys flat.

" Niall." I say in a sweet voice.

" Yes princess." He said smiling down at me. You see I was in his lap cuddled under his neck on the couch downstairs.

" Could you carry me upstairs?" I ask with a puppy dog face. Before I knew it Niall had picked me up and started to carry me upstairs. He carried me into his room and set me on his bed.

" Alright,let me get you some clothes. Anything you prefer?" He asks walking to his closet. I followed him and looked through his clothes. I grabbed some sweats and walked out.

" That's all you want?" He said with a smile.

" Yup. I'm wearing a sports bra." I said.

I walked into the bathroom and changed. I eyed myself in the mirror. I fixed the pants around the waist and folded it once. I walked out carrying my clothes. I was only wearing the sweat pants and a sports bra.

" Nice belly button ring and tattoo" He said with a smiled.

I laughed and looked at my belly button ring. I got it pierced when I was 16. The tattoo he was admiring was on my lower back. it said Niall in the infinity loop. I got that about 2 months ago. Yeah I was a bit embarrassed But I shook it off.

" Where am I sleeping tonight?" I asked throwing my hair into a ponytail.

" With me." Niall said with a grin. " Are you tired?" He asked watching me jump into his bed. I nod then throw the covers over my body. The lights turned off and the door was locked.

I felt the covers lift up and then drop again. I felt a warm shirtless Niall next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I could tell he wasn't wearing any pants. He kissed my cheek. We both were fast asleep.

~ authors note~

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