chapter 4

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"babe can you tell me whats wrong?" Niall says in a concerned voice. I grab nialls. hand and took him upstairs to his room. he sat on his bed and patted his lap. I walked over and sat on his lap.

" where should I begin from?" I asked not even wanting to tell him at all.

"the begining." Niall said looking down at me. he was biting his lower lip nervously.

"well... my mom had some problems. she had over dosed on alot of drugs and died. my parents were divorced so I had to go move in with my dad and my half sister Kayla. my dad was a horrible alcoholic. I was sleeping over at my friends house one night. that night I guess he got super drunk and when he gets drunk he is very irritable. I guess Kayla got him mad and well he shot my sister." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Niall wiped it away and kissed my forehead.

" you don't have to continue if you don't want to." Niall said rubbing my back.

"no its fine. well my dad went to prison, he was sentenced to life. but what I didn't know was he could get out early on good behavier. well so since both my parents were out of the picture and my other family wanted nothing to do with me. I went into foster care. I lived with 7 other boys and girls. I was the oldest. my foster mom was great. she understood me. but my foster dad was abusive. he often beat me if I didn't listen to the slightest thing. school wasn't much better I got bullied because I lived in a foster home. well my foster mom told me that my dad got out of prison and he's looking for me." I started crying more. I bit my lip. Niall, was angry. he looked like he was about to cry.

" does he know where you are?" Niall asked nervously. he pulled me closer. I didn't want to leave his arms. I felt safe.

"I don't think so." I wasn't sure if he did or not.

"well I'm here for you. I know we have only known each other for a little more then a day, but it feels like I've known you all my life." Niall said still holding me tight against his chest.

" me too.Niall?" I say embracing this once and a life time moment.

"yeah, babe?" Niall asks looking at me with his deep blue eyes. I could look at them all night.

" please don't tell anyone about my story. I don't need anymore pity from anyone." I said hoping he understood.

" I understand." I fell asleep in nialls arms. I was finally starting over.

Nialls P.O.V

wow. shes been through so much. she trusts me. I was shocked. Emma was aslep on my lap. she looked like an angel. I picked her up and set her back downbon the bed. I covered her up.

"Niall?"she mumbled.

"yeah?" I asked. I was just about to leave the room.

"could you take me back to my flat?" she asked.

"yeah. is something wrong?" I asked I was afraid she didn't want to be around me or something.

" no I just need to take a shower and get some new clothes to change into." she said with a smile.

" well I have an idea." I said hoping she would like to go with my idea.

"what is it?" she asked she looked confused.

"well how about we leave Monica here and I take you home let you shower and change. then ill take you shopping and out to eat?" I said hoping she liked my idea.

" don't have to take me shopping." she said biting her lower lip.

" no I want to. but we need to get your car from the mall anyways." I knew that if I brought up her car she had to go to the mall

" fine. but I'm paying." she said getting up and putting her shirt on. she grabbed her old clothes and she went downstairs. I followed her out my door and down the stairs.

"did you guys?" Louis said with a big grin on his face.

"no!" Emma and I said in unison.

" Niall and I are leaving you here with the boys." I say to Monica. she wasn't too sad. I could tell she really liked harry. Emma hugged the boys and we were off to her flat.

" should I be afraid to see your room?" I asked. I was generally nervous. I figured I would see posters of the boys and I around her room, and maybe more.

"yes." she said with a nervous smile. we didn't say much after that. she couldn't stop starring at my eyes. but then again most girls love looking into my eyes.

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