Chapter 12

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"I Like you alot Emma."

"Um....I dont know what to say, I like you too but im not ready to be in a relationship yet. i hope you understand."

"I understand. i just wanted to get that off my chest."

i turned around to face niall. he was looking at me with those big blue eyes. i leaned in and pecked him on the lips. his lips were soft, but firm. our lips soon started to move insinc together. slowly moving. niall started to deepen the kiss. frankly i let him. i didnt mind. i liked it alot. no, i liked him alot.

Am i falling in love with Nall Horan, of one direction? i couldnt be, am i?

we finally stopped kissing and pulled apart. there was a huge smile stained on his face. it shined from ear to ear. it showed  his beautiful, braced smile. i kinda miss his old teeth, but he was still hot no matter what. Niall horan was one of those few guys who made braces look so good. i have always liked guys with braces for some reason. it was attractive.

i rested my head back on his chest then dosed off into a deep slumber. i dreamt about what niall and I's future would be like together. at this point i cant imagine my life with out him. i know its so Cliche but i cant help it. he is the first guy who as made me feel beautiful no matter how i look.

when i woke up the next morning Niall was gone. I got up and ran to the bathroom. i decided i should probably take a shower so i ran back in to nialls room  and grabbed a pair of grey sweats and a blue t-shirt that hugged my body.

i went back into the bathroom and started the shower. i stripped off my clothes and hopped in the warm shower. i let the water beat down my chest before i started to wash my body with dove soap. i rinsed it then washed my hair.

i sat down on the floor of the shower, because i felt my eyes get heavy, i felt like i was going to collapse. maybe i was just tired. yeah i was just tired. immidiatly after sitting on the floor i passed out. all i remeber is niall carrying my body out of the shower and into his bed.

"Ni?" what happened?" i asked peering up at his deep blue eyes.

"Em, you collapsed in the shower."

"I did? Wait you saw me naked?" I covered my body in shock. i felt my cheeks heat up. i was so self concious.

"Yeah but dont worry i didnt do anything to you other then put your bra and underwear on. I promise." he gave me a sincere look. he was serious. he saw me naked. how awkward.

"Ok well can you go. i have to put the rest of my clothing on."

"Yeah theres food waiting for you down stairs. after your done getting dressed and your done eating do you want to go get some coffee?"


"I'll take that as a yes." i nodded and pushed him out the door.


Thanks guys for reading. i have been keeping my promise and updating everyday.

please comment/vote/fan/foolow me on twitter.

Thanks guys....bubye

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