chapter 16

841 13 4

Niall's P.O.V

I woke up to a familiar loud beeping. it was my alarm clock. I slipped my hand out from under the covers and continuously slapped the annoying machine until it shut up. Emma rolled out of bed and fell to the floor. I sat up to watch her crawl to the bathroom.

"Babe?" I asked between laughs

"What?" she hissed

"Never mind." she crawled through the door way and then shut the door. a few moments later I heard the shower turn on. she was in there for a good 10 minutes or so. while she was I there I decided to use the guest bed room shower.

I quickly stripped off my boxers then hopped into the warm shower. it immediately woke me up. I washed my hair then stepped out of the shower. I walked into my room, in a towel. Emma was in there changing into her clothes. she was wearing a blue aeropostale shirt and dark blue skinny jeans.

I dropped my towel and walked over to my dresser. I slipped on a pair of boxers then walked over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of khaki skinny jeans and a red polo. I put on a pair of white high tops then joined Emma downstairs.

she had all of our bags waiting by the door. she had two bowls of cereal. one for her and one for me.

"Thanks for the cereal." I said kissing her cheek

"Who says its for you. maybe I made it for my self." she said kissing my cheek in return.

she laughed then continued to eat her cereal.

we finished our bowls then put them in the sink. we slipped our coats on then headed out the door. I shut it then locked it. we then headed to the waiting car. I opened the backseat door for Emma she climbed in then I walked to the trunk and put our bags in it. I walked to the other side of the car and hopped in.

the driver then started off to the airport. I got out my phone then texted Liam.

To: Liam Payne

We're on our way to the airport see you guys soon

From: Liam Payne

ok sounds good.

To: Liam Payne

will Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor be joining us on tour.

From: Liam Payne


To: Liam Payne

ok sounds good.

I stopped texting Liam then started to text Louis. he was more entertaining and it would be a long ride to the airport.

"Niall?" Emma said peering into my eyes.


"I don't mean to sound like a little kid. but when are we going to be there?" I laughed at what she said.

"Soon, you might want to take a nap or listen to music or something." she nodded then pulled her phone out. I decided to text Louis later.

I pulled out my phone and went on twitter.

I was horrified at the tweets that I saw.

"Emma is a dumb whore #dieemma"

"Niall shouldn't be dating someone like her. she's too ugly."

"Emma doesn't deserve Niall. He is so perfect. and she's so not."

I decided to tweet the people who called themselves 'directioners' I wouldn't even call them fans.

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