chapter 43

639 13 4

Niall's P.O.V

i wonder what Emma's dress looks like. i bet it looks great. i cant wait to marry her. she told me that we could either get married july 5 ,july 23 or august 7. i think it should be july 23 for obvious reasons. (for those who dont know, 1st how dare yo call yourself a fan? july 23 is the day one direction formed for those who dont know)

i hope she agrees.

i would ask her but its 2 a.m and i dont want to wake her up because she is like a mother bear protecting her cubs when she gets woken up. it is not pretty. no matter how beautiful she is her in the morning is something ALL humans try to avoid. well if you make her bacon she is your bestfriend.

i decided to make her bacon, sausage and pour her a glass of orange juice in the morning so i can talk to her easily. oh ill get her some coffee from caribou too.

 friday emma and i are going to pick out our rings. then on saturday the lads and i are finishing upm out take me home tour.

since its about may we have loads of time to plan. we already have dresses, flowers, and food all ready. i was thinking we should have the reception at a bar or something. maybe she would agree.

i turned my head znd i noticed her shivering. i pulled her close to me and she immediatly stopped shivering. i smiled at how cute she was. her hair is growing quite fast. but i didnt care. she looked good no matter what she looked at.

i think i might have stared at her for maybe 2 hours thinking of my wedding vow. i had it all planned out. i got up and walked over to the desk that was in the room. after spending 1 day at disney land we got sick of all the cheeryness and left. we decided to go to a normal hotel.

i picked up a peice of paper annd a pen and wrote down my vow. after and hour of that. i finished. iknow i said i had it planned out but i changed it and rewrote it 5 times. once i was pleased with it i folded it up and put it in the coat pocket of my tux. i checked my phone 6:45 a.m i wasted my entire night

wait tomorrows friday. so today we should have movie day or lazy day.

I grabbed my phone and went out to pickup coffee for me and Emma, and some movies. I walked to the nearest caribou. I picked up her usual which is a milk chocolate mocha cooler and I got a regular mocha.

once I got those I walked down the street to a redbox and got warmbodies and possession. I should get snacks too. I walked to the grocery store next and picked up popcorn, soda, and loads of chips. I paid then walked back to the hotel to start cooking breakfast.

after that was done I set the table then texted the guys. they all are going to be here around noon, to go to the mall for some shopping. I guess that will be fun. I walked into the bedroom and decided to wake up emma.

"Babe wake up." I said shaking her.


"Babe I made bacon and got you coffee." I said sweetly

"Im sorry I love you." she said opening her eyes.

I knew that would work.


well guys please read my other fanfic its a harry styles fanfic called Why me?




love you guys

byee my lovelies

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