chapter 20

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guys im soo sorry I didn't update yesterday.

I got in school suspention and Y CAPP so I couldn't update ill try my best to make this chapter long......ok enjoy


We all decided to order pizza and have a night in at the hotel. we were all gonna go back to our rooms and get into our pajamas.

"Lets go babe." I say to Emma I picked her up and carried her bridal style back to the hotel room.

she giggled a bit. we ran to the elevator and held it for everyone else. I noticed Monica was on harry's back. what we do for our girls.

the elevator dinged and we piled out. harry and I ran to our rooms with our ladies tightly gripping to us.

they were laughing. we got to our rooms. I opened my door first. I walked in and set emma on the couch. I let her catch her breath, as I did too.

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a mountain dew out of the fridge. I handed emma one too. she drank it then walked to our shared bed room.

she went to her suitcase and mine. she pulled out a plain white T  from my suitcase. she pulled out a a pair of shorts from her suitcase. she pulled off her top then her bottoms. I watched her intently. she slipped on the shirt then pulled on the shorts.

she gave me a shy smile. I smiled back at her. I took out a white muscle shirt and a pair of black joggers. I stripped off my clothes then put on my night clothes.

she watched me just as I watched her.

I gave her a big grin. she giggled. I loved hearing her laugh it was so cute.

she went to her suitcase and grabbed a binder. she grabbed all the extra shirt and tied it to the side then tucked it in. she took the shorts off. I gave her a puzzled look. I guess she noticed.

"I've decided to wear sweats instead." she said grabbing a pair of black sweats from her bag and pulled them on. I nodded.

I didn't care what she wore she looked great in anything.

"Ready?" I asked

"Yeah lets go to Zayn, Louis and Liams room for MOVIE NIGHT!!!!" I could tell she was excited. I laughed at her.

I don't think I have ever laughed this much with a girl.

I was usually shy around girls, but not emma. she broke down all my shy walls and made me....happy, wild

I wrapped my fingers up with hers and left the hotel room. we turned down the hall to the right and knocked on the first door. it was there room.

an eager Louis answered.

"NI NI and EM!" Louis screetched. emma and I plugged our ears.

he gestured for us to come in so we did. we made our way to the living area and plopped down on the massive couch.

I mean this couch was huge.

"I'll call for pizza and you guys look on Netflix for a good movie." Liam said walking to the kitchen with his phone to his ear.

we nodded then picked up the remote.

"No scary movies..." I said looking at her.

"Scay? oh you mean comedies..oh why not?" she asked with a smile.

I laughed at her response.

"Im sick of comedies I want to watch a normal movie little princess." she blushed and nodded.

"Ok how about..ermm that one." she said pointing to the screen

"toy story 3? " I asked in a whisper.

"Yeah I haven't seen it," I gasped but shook my head.

"NO I've seen it too many times. pick something else."

she nodded than glanced back at the screen.

she was like a little kid in a candy shop or me in nandos.

"How about.....titanic"

"Good choice." I clicked on titanic.

just then we were joined by liam,

"OO Titanic good choice. oh and I ordered 3 peperoni pizza's and 3 cheese."

zany walked in and sat down next to emma. the Louis plopped down next to liam. harry and nica sat on the love seat together.

we turned the lights off after we all got our pop and pizza. we ate our pizza then got comfortable. emma was cuddled up to me. we had a blanket over us.

we were at the part were rose and jack are at dinner with rose's parents.

this movie always made the boys and I cry.

"I love this movie." emma said glancing up at me.

I leaned in she did too. we kissed.

"EWWWWW PDAAAA STOHPP!!!"" Louis screamed.

emma and I blushed. emma laid back down onto my chest.

I smiled down at her.

I looked around the room in relief I wasn't the only one crying. everyone was.

"Jack" Louis screamed. we all laughed.

once the movie was over we were all pretty tired we had a long day.

harry and nica were out. so was zany and emma. liam went to his room and so did Louis. I drifted off.

then all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. zayn groaned and got up to answer the door.

I watched him slump over to the door.

he opened it. his eyes grew wide.

"Oh my god" he screamed.


who is at the door? any guesses.

well I updated it. I hope it was long enough.

well comment/vote/fan

follow me on twitter @Louis_nialler13

bye guyss

love you my lovelies.......

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