chapter 19

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"niall i cant." i said pulling away out of breath.

"I know but can we at least enjoy this moment?" niall asked also out of breath.

"Yeah i guess. but dont you guys have and don tyour guys have an interview tomorrow or something?" i aske hoping we could go to sleep. i was so tired.

"Yeah, i guess your right. how bout we pick this up tomorrow night?" niall said with a wink. i laid down beside him.

i felt him pull me closer. i was pressed tightly aggenst his body like usual. his arm was over my hip. i liked it like this, not only did i feel safe but i felt wanted for once in my life.

"Night Niallers." i said closing my eyes.

"Night baby." niall said leaning over then kissing my cheek.

i fell asleep to the soothing sound of nialls breathing.


i woke up to an empty bed. once again. i went over to my suitcase and slipped off nialls shirt. i put on a pair of faded blue skinny jeans, black ankle length boots. i slipped on a pink tank top like shirt. it had a red out line of a heart on the front and on the back there were several slits. i wore a black tank top under neath.

i put on a little bit of fiundation, then athick layer of mascara. i put on a light brown eye shadow that made my blue eyes pop.

i curled my hair into loose curls then seperated my hair in the back so it would flow over my shoulders in the front.

once i was satisfied with how i looked i walked out into the main room of our suite.

niall was in the kitchen....with FOOD.

i ran over to the caribu and mcdonalds that was on the counter.

"Niall how sweet. you brought me food and coffee. will you marry me?" i asked in a playful tone.

"Sure" niall said also in a playful tone.

 i grabbed my coffee and food and went to the table. i sat it down across from niall. i then walked over to where niall was sitting and sat on his lap.

"Thank you." i said giving him a peck on the lips.

i walked over back to my seat then began to eat my bacon,cheese and sausage mcmuffin. i dont like eggs. i then ate the hash browns thingys.  i savored the sweet taste of my delicious coffee.

i started intently into niall gorgeous eyes. he smiled showing off his beautiful braced smile. i couldnt help but smile and blush at him.

niall was wearing a white muscle shirt with a red @ simble on it. he was wearing a pair of tan cargo shorts and white high tops.

he looked good in anything.

i threw away my trash. niall and i both got up to leave for his interview. he wanted me to come with to share the news about us dating with the public. i knew they knew already, so did niall. but we have to make it official.

Niall's P.O.V

we got to the place where the interview was held.

Harry brought Nica along and i brought Emma. we sat down then the interview began.

"So guys i see you brought some very beautiful girls with you. who are they?" the interviewer asked.

"Well this here is my girlfriend Nica." harry said with a grin on his face. he was so happy his dimples were showing.

"Well congrats. and niall who is this?" i interviewer asked me gesturing to Emma.

"This is my girlfriend Emma." i said looking at her proudly. i loved saying that.

"so all of you are taken."

we all nodded.

"Well your fans are going to be crushed. how do you girls deal with all of the hate?" the interviewer asked Emma and Monica

"Well its hard. Monica here hasnt gotten any hate yet because they just started to date. i try to ignore it the best i can. obviously all the othere boy's girlfriends have dealt with it and stilll are so im going to continue trying my best." Emma said in a confident voice

wow she is perfect.

"well you answered that beautifully." the interviewer said. "Now Harry about you and Taylor Swift what happened?"

'Um thats's in the past i would rather not talk about it. Monica here is all i want to think about she is my present. i want to change what i was before. i want to be diffrent, for Monica she deserves my full attention." harry said with his dimple grin

"So does that mean you girls will be going on tour with them?"

"Yes" we all say in unison.

"Infact Perrie, Eleanor, And Danielle should be joining us very soon." liam said he was to now smiling.

the interview went on for about 30 more miutes then we all left. we thanked the man for being so kind.

"Where to next?" Zayn asked paying attention to his phone.

" FOOD!!!!" Emma and i scream at the same time.

the otheres laughed then agreed wow Emma and i are so much alike.

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