Chapter 46

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Authors note~ Ok so im deleteing still the one but i am adding the major chapters to this just not getting anything out of that book so it's for the best. Also I would like to thank all my loyal readers. It's amazing seeing that people still read this book. Please read my new book Is it Fate, im actually really proud of it, love you guys ~Tay


Nialls P.O.V

"Niall im pregnant." she said with a smile

oh my god

this is great

"Really?" I asked unsure what else I could possibly say

"Yeah." she said timidly

"This is amazing." I said pulling her into a tight hug. she laughed and hugged me back right away.

I cant believe we were having a baby.

this is just, just wow.

I love the idea of being the father of Emma's baby.

I picked Emma up bridal style and carried her up stares and into the room. I laid her on the bed and then joined her. I cuddled her from behind and rubbed circles into her stomach. our hearts were beating slowly. they moved to the same beat.

Our moment was interrupted by Eleanor and Monica barging into our home.

"hey we brought..oh hey niall." Eleanor said holding up 2 bags of food. it smelt like Chinese.

"hey." emma said.

"HI" Monica cheered.

"We need to talk." emma said. by the tone of her voice they didn't know about our little bundle of joy yet.

"About?" Eleanor said

"look in the bathroom in the trash." emma said. they looked confused but did as told.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD IM GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE!!!!" Monica yelled. we were soon bombarded by 2 squealing girls. it was funny until they started squeezing harder and harder.

"AIR..." I gasped. emma was turning purple.

"sorry." the girls said brushing us off.

"'s fine." I said helping them

"We need to tell the guys." they squealed

"Yeah, well I have an idea." I said

"Speak leprechaun...omg your baby is going to be part leprechaun. that's amazeballs." monica said

"Quoting me eh." I said lifting an eyebrow.

"Of course....." she said in a duh tone.

"Well anyways I will tell the boys when I tell the rest of the world and I want Emma to come. you see we have an interview tomorrow." I explained

"Uh...I don't know." emma said.

"Come on it will be ok." I encouraged.

"Ok." emma spoke I could tell she was un sure.

Emma's P.O.V

I wasn't sure about telling the world about the baby yet. I mean I just found out less then 20 minutes ago, now he wants the world to know.

I guess it had to happen soon though.

but the will get worse. I didn't tell niall but over the honey moon they threatened my life and it was horrible. worse then it has ever been.

She's not afraid (Niall Horan) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now