chapter 7

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Nialls P.O.V

she looked like an angel when she slept. I brushed a strand of hair out of her peaceful face and tucked it behind her ear. she moved around a little bit and then she.must have gotten comfortable again because her movement stopped and she.became still again.

I thought a bit to myself. why did she say she's not ready yet?. she still had something kept from me. it was understandable because I have only.known her for a few days.

it was 8 in the morning and I stayed up all night watching her sleep. no I'm not a creep. she just looked so beautiful. well anyways I got my lazy ass up and made her some breakfast. I made her some toast and bacon.

soon some little foot steps pattered against the linoleum floor in my kitchen. her eyes grew wide when she saw the bacon sizzling in the pan in front of me.

" shit!" I groaned.

"what?" she asked curiously. her eyes still watching the bacon.

"I have to go back to the studio today. in a couple of hours actually. after breakfast we'll head over to the shared flat."

"ok." she said attacking the bacon. she smiled when I saw her scarfing it down. she flinched her shoulders in a way ad she mouthed 'what'. I just laughed and ate my food ignoring her weird eating habits.

we finished our breakfasts and headed to the flat. she made me drive because she still didn't know her way around London.

I turned the music on and she started doing the car dance. well ill never have a boring moment with this girl. she is beautiful no matter what she does.

she noticed me watching her and she smiled then blushed then stopped her little dance. we pulled up to the flat and we got out. I was about to open the door when I felt Emma jump onto my back.

"Em?" I asked grabbing her legs.

"yeah?" she asked innocently.

"what are you doing, babe?" I asked quite interested in her excuse.

"your back looked lonely so I joined it." she said. I could tell she was holding back a laugh. I shook my head and opened the door.

"look at those lovebirds." Louis smirked. I gave him the death glare and walked to the living room and set Emma on the couch. she was soon joined by Monica.

Emma's P.O.V

"What happened?" Monica asked curiously.

"we just went to his house and watched some movies. I fell asleep,he carried me to his bed. that's it." I replied in an annoyed tone. she of all people should know that after my ex boyfriend I don't trust easily.

"ok." she said in a not so believing tone.

"let's go everybody." liam said jumping up and heading towards the door. we gave all the boys hugs. Monica and I then headed outside. I unlocked the doors.

we both hopped in and I put the key in the ignition. I rolled the windows down and we waved to the boys then drove off.

Monica turned the radio on. we rocked out to Live While We're Young.

"do you want to go get something to eat?" Monica asked looking at all the food places we were passing by.

"sure." I say pulling into a Chinese restraunt. we got out and went in. we were seated at a booth at the back of the restraunt.

it was a buffet so we could get whatever. I first went to the hibatchi. I got beef and shrimp stir fry. Monica got sushi. I couldn't tell you what kind because I hate most sea food.

my second plate I got sesame chicken, egg roll, sweet and sour chicken and chicken on a stick. don't judge I like my chicken. Monica got lo mein, rice and cheese puffs.

we both got chocolate ice cream cones with ores and sprinkles on top. I tipped the waiter and we went back to our flat.

when we got to our flat I ran up stairs and ran into the bathroom before Monica could. I turned the warm water on and stripped off my clothes.

I let the warm water cascade off my naked body. I was so stressed out. all I could think about was Niall. no bad. I hit myself 'ow' I said. I can't be falling for Niall. not now. not after

what my last boyfriend did to me.

I lathered my hair in shampoo and gently massaged my scalp. I rinsed and then conditioned my hair. I rinsed again then washed my body.

I got out of the shower and dried my hair. I wrapped my towel around my body then went to my room. I shut the door then dropped my towel. I slipped my bra and underwear on. I put my hair up in a messy bun.

I put some sweat pants on then jumped under the warm comforter. I grabbed my I pod off of my side table and put my head phones in.

I slowly drifted off to sleep listening to one direction.

~authors note

what is Emma's secret? will she yell Niall? will she learn to trust Niall?

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