2. Tsukkiyamakagehina

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Main pairing: None

Other pairing(s): Mentioned Bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi)

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


Just Karasuno first years being themselves


*In the PE lesson*

PE teacher: Today we're going to play volleyball. We have the volleyball gym only for 2 lessons, so we don't have much time. Chop chop. Run a few laps to warm up and we'll begin.

Yamaguchi: Any gossip?

Tsukishima: Yeah. I got one. So, Kenma told and Kuroo and Kuroo told me that Bokuto and Akaashi are dating.

Yamaguchi: Well, they are soulmates, they were going to get together eventually.

PE teacher: Hey, you two! It's running not walking.

Yamaguchi: Sorry.

*Tsukishima, under his breath*: Jerk.

*When they're far enough*

Yamaguchi: Fucking asshole. Someone's gotta beat the shit out of him. What's wrong with him? Why don't you go for a run? It's clear that you need it more.

*Tsukishima, chuckling*: I swear to God if you don't start running-

Yamaguchi: Am I wrong?

PE teacher: Ok, that's enough warming up. Come here. Does anyone play volleyball among you guys?

Hinata: I do!

Kageyama: I.

Tsukishima: You have to say me, king, not I. Me too by the way.

Yamaguchi: Tsukki don't bully Tobi. I do too.

Kageyama: Dashi said it too!

Tsukishima: He used correct grammar, idiot.

PE teacher: What are your positions?

Tsukishima: I'm a middle blocker.

Kageyama: I'm a setter.

Yamaguchi: I'm a pinch server.

Hinata: I'm a middle blocker!

PE teacher: With that height? I don't think so.

*Hinata gets visibly angry*

*Hinata, dragging Kageyama*: Quick attack. Now.

Tsukishima: Oof- you pissed him, teach.

*They do their quick attack*

PE teacher: I- you should join the volleyball team. You could go to the nationals!

Tsukishima: We are in the volleyball team and we did go to the nationals.

Yamaguchi: Honestly, what world are you living in, teach? It was all over the news.

PE teacher: I- I'm leaving the lesson to you four. You're obviously more experienced than I am.

*After the teacher leaves the gym Tsukkiyamakagehina sit on the bench and start chatting after instructing the other students on what to do*

Yamaguchi: Sho, are you a vegan?

Hinata: No, I'm an aquarius.

Tsukishima: Sho, I thought you were a cancer? (he is)

Kageyama: I thought he was Japanese?

*Hinata, his voice quivering*: Kei, am I going to die?

Yamaguchi: What-

*Hinata, with teary eyes*: He said I had cancer.

Tsukishima: I was talking about your zodiac, idiot.

Hinata: Oh.

*Some time later*

Tsukishima: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

Yamaguchi: I identify as a horse and this offends me.

Hinata: I identify as offends and this horses me.

Kageyama: I offend horses, identify me.

*Even later*

Yamaguchi: You can't spell cat without a.

Kageyama: Without a what?

Yamaguchi: Without 'a'.

Kageyama: Without a what?????

Tsukishima: He's talking about the letter 'a', Tobi.

Kageyama: Oh.


Just Tsukkiyamakagehina being good 'friends'.

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