75. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Post-timeskip


*Sakusa and Atsumu arguing*


*Atsumu's face lights up*: GLITTER!

*Sakusa, confused*: What?


*Sakusa, smiling slightly*: The shiny word that you've been looking for the past week? 

*Atsumu, grinning*: Yup!

Sakusa: You're a dork.

Atsumu: Excuse you, I am not a dork.

Sakusa: My glittery little dork.

*Sakusa, opening his arms for Atsumu*: Come here.

*Atsumu jumps into Sakusa's arms, making them fall onto the bed*

Atsumu: Omg Omi are you ok?! I swear I didn't mean to-

*Sakusa starts laughing and so Atsumu starts laughing too. After a few minutes, their laughter dies down*

*Sakusa, peppering Atsumu's face with kisses*: I. love. you. so. goddamn. much.

Atsumu: I love you too, Omiiiii

Sakusa: I'm gonna start calling you a glittery dork. I kinda like it.

Atsumu: Omi no.

*Next day at morning practice, warming up*

*Atsumu being energetic as usual*

*Sakusa, not being a morning person*: Ugh. Shut up you glittery dork. It's too early.

*Atsumu immediately shuts up and blushes* 

Bokuto: Do we get a story time?

Atsumu: Absolutely not.

Sakusa: He had been looking for a 'shiny word' since last week, but couldn't remember the name. So, we were arguing over the dishes yesterday-

Atsumu: OMI STOP IT!

Sakusa: Then he suddenly stopped and shouted glitter. I asked him if he had finally found the word and he said yup with the most adorable grin on his cute little dorky face.

*Sakusa yawns*

Sakusa: So I called him a dork and he said that he was not a dork and then I called him 'my glittery little dork' and I knew he'd be embarrassed.  

Sakusa: And he was a blushing mess and he looks cute when he blushes, so...

Bokuto: That's adorable.

*Atsumu, whining*: Omiiiii, why did you tell them thattttt? 


Did I unnecessarily lengthen the story? 


Do I regret it?


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