82. Kuroken

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Main pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x Kozume Kenma

Other pairing(s): Sumana (Suma x Hana -2 female OCs lmao-)

Warnings: None

Time: Post-timeskip


They have an adopted daughter named Makio (bcs I'm watching kny season 2)

Teacher 1's name: Suma

Teacher 2's name: Hana


*Kuroo opening Makio's curtains*

Kuroo: Good morning princess!

*Makio, giggling*: Good morning papa!

Kuroo: Come on, pretty, today we have a parent-teacher conference! Your dad's busy right now, but he'll drop by later on!

Makio: Yay! Papa's coming with me to school!

*After they have breakfast, Makio goes into the bathroom and messes her hair so that it looks like her papa's hair*

Makio: Let's go papa!

Kuroo: Do you want me to fix your hair, princess?

Makio: No, I did it like this because it looks like papa's hair.

*Kuroo, smiling*: Ok then Kio, let's go.

*They arrive to school*  

Suma: Good morning, Makio-chan.

Makio: Good morning, Suma-san! 

Hana: Can you introduce us to your father please, Makio-chan?

Makio: My papa is called Tetsuro and he is very pretty. 

Hana: Yes, I can see that.

Suma: You literally can't, but go off, I guess.

Hana: Hey! He's very pretty!

Suma: He is average, at most. No offence, Kuroo-san.

Kuroo: None taken. I don't think you ladies are beautiful either, for that matter.

Hana: Why? Are you gay?

*Kuroo, smirking*: Yes. Why? Are you surprised?

*Kenma, smacking Kuroo in the back of the head*: Kuroo Tetsuro, stop flirting with a lesbian in front of her wife.

*Kuroo, smiling shyly*: Hey Ken.

*Kenma and Kuroo share a quick kiss and Kenma kisses Makio on her forehead*

Kenma: I'm sorry for taking so long, princess, I had to take care of something first.

Makio: It's ok, dad!

Kuroo: Wait. What do you mean by 'her wife'?

*Suma and Hana show their matching wedding rings to Kuroo*

Kuroo: Oh... I see, congratulations. Sorry if I seemed like I was flirting, by the way. I wasn't and never would try to do that.

Suma: We know, it's fine.

Makio: Hey dad, papa, I'm going to go play with my classmates now, you guys can come find me when you're finished, ok?

Kenma: Ok, princess. Have fun.

Kuroo: Bye beautiful. 

Suma: So, Hana, when are you going to give me my money?

Hana: It's not a cliteri, it's a cliterus. Your money is my money. 

*Suma, blushing*: Hana!

*Suma looks at Kenma and Kuroo who are laughing their asses off*

Kenma: I- that was- you- Tetsu-

Kuroo: I know! And- and you say- my jokes are bad-

Suma: Her jokes are the worst.

Hana: Hey!

Kuroo: Also, I'm curious, what was the bet? 

Suma: Hana and I made a bet on whether or not Makio had two nicknames for you or if he had two dads.

Kenma: Ah, I see.

*They talk about Makio for a bit*

Hana: That's all.

Suma: It was lovely meeting you, Kuroo-sans. (*megalovania starts playing*)

Kenma: Tetsu, doesn't Hana remind you of Fukunaga?

Kuroo: Oh wow, you're right.

Hana: He's my cousin. Wait, how do you know him?

Kenma: We were his volleyball teammates in high school.

Kuroo: He once said, "Dr. Freeze says 'Chill out.'" after dumping a bucket full of water on Kenma. It was hilarious.

Suma: He's the only one in Hana's family we're still in touch with. All her other relatives are unfortunately homophobic.

Kenma: Oh that's really bad to hear. Well, Fukunaga is a part of our family, so you're welcome at ours anytime.

Kuroo: Of course. Makio loves you guys and I'm sure she'd really like to see you both around more.

Hana: Thank you.

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