9. Tsukkiyama

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Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


*Yamaguchi, sulking*: The vending machine didn't have any strawberry milk.

Tsukishima: Take mine.

Yamaguchi: No, Tsukki. Don't be silly. It's yours.

Tsukishima: Don't worry about it, Yams. I'll just go get a coffee for myself.

Yamaguchi: At least let me buy it for you.

Tsukishima: Sit and eat. you didn't have breakfast this morning. Have some of my extra onigiri. I'll be back in a minute.

*Tsukishima leaves*

*Yamaguchi, to the other first years*: I hate it when he does that. Strawberry's his favourite. He looks forward to buying it everyday yet he'll immediately give me his, all because I whined for two seconds. I don't get it!

*Tsukishima comes back*

*Tsukishima, kissing Yamaguchi*: It's because my love for you is bigger than my love for strawberry milk.

Yachi: Wait... You guys are dating?

Tsukishima: Yeah? You haven't noticed?

Kageyama: No?

Hinata: HA! I KNEW IT! Tanaka-san and Noya-san both owe me 10 dollars!

Yamaguchi: You bet on us?

Hinata: I mean... yeah? Everybody on the team did.

*Yamaguchi, turning to Kageyama and Yachi*: Even yo-

*They see that Kageyama is handing a smug-looking Yachi a 5 dollar bill, growling*

Tsukishima: Oh my god.

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