44. Miya Twins

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Main pairing: None

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


Ok, I have a hc that Atsumu and Osamu have priv accounts on twitter that they only follow each other on, and when one of them wants to rant about sth, they rant there and they have secret codes. (but they only use it for imp stuff so when one of them posts there, the other knows it's important)


When they want to talk ab/ it: hamburger // when they just want a hug: pizza // When they want to be reassured: taco


*On twitter*

@NotAtsumu: I hate this.

@NotAtsumu: I've worked so hard to make things go perfect.

@NotAtsumu: I'm a fucking failure.

@NotAtsumu: Why is everyone is better than me.

@NotAtsumu: I'm not the better twin after all, huh?

@NotOsamu: Food?

@NotAtsumu: Pizza and a bit of taco pls

@NotOsamu: Omw 

*In real life*

*Osamu knocks on Atsumu's door and goes in*

*Osamu, smiling softly*: Hey.

*Atsumu, sniffling*: Hey.

*Osamu hugs Atsumu and Atsumu starts sobbing into Osamu's shirt*

*Osamu, caressing Atsumu's hair*: Shh. It's going to be alright.

Atsumu: All I did was try my best... (IS THIS THE KIND OF THANKS I GET?!?!? -ik it's old but when i wrote this, it was still trending-)

Osamu: I know, Tsum. I'm sure you did great. It's alright.

Atsumu: Thanks, Samu.

Osamu: I'm always here for you. Always and forever.

*Atsumu, smiling*: I know. Thanks.

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