81. Platonic Tanayachi

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Main pairing: Platonic Tanayachi (Yachi & Tanaka)

Other pairing(s): One-sided Kiyotana (Kiyoko x Tanaka) / One-sided Kiyoyachi (Kiyoko x Yachi) / Ennokinoita (Ennoshita x Kinoshita x Narita) / Asanoya (Asahi x Nishinoya)

Warnings: Slight homophobia? (and the use of the f slur) 

Time: Pre-timeskip


*Tanaka sees Yachi when he's opening up the gym*

Tanaka: Oh hey Yachi!

Yachi: H-hello Tanaka-san.

Tanaka: What are you doing here this early? Practice starts in half an hour!

Yachi: I accidentally set my alarm 1 hour early, and I realised that after I came here and my house is far so I just thought I would wait until-

Tanaka: Do you want to put the net up?

Yachi: Sure!

*They put the net up and get all the stuff ready*

Tanaka: So, Yachi, tell me! Any hot goss around the first years?

Yachi: Well, um... It's nothing much but Yamaguchi's teaching third years French now.

Tanaka: Wow! He must be really good at it, then!

Yachi: What about you, Tanaka-san? Do you have any gossip?

Tanaka: No, not really...

Yachi: Is there anyone you like?

Tanaka: Well, I like Kiyoko, but... she doesn't like me back, so... 

Tanaka: Y'know, I would marry her in a heartbeat.

Yachi: I would too.

*Tanaka stops and so does Yachi. They stare at each other for a solid 30 seconds as tears well up in Yachi's eyes, afraid that he might mock her or say something homophobic*

*Then Tanaka smiles at Yachi softly in understanding*

Tanaka: She really is something, isn't she?

*Yachi nods and sniffles as Tanaka ruffles her hair*

Tanaka: I won't tell, but when you're ready... 

*Tanaka, grinning*: I'll kick anyone's ass who messes with you. I got your back.

*Yachi, her voice barely above a whisper*: Thank you, Tanaka-san. 

*A year later*

*Yachi bursts into the gym*

Yachi: Tanaka-san!

Tanaka: What's up Yacchan?

Yachi: There's this guy in my class- 

*Yachi, noticing Nishinoya and Kinoshita*: Oh, Nishinoya-san, Kinoshita-san... I thought Tanaka-san was here alone...

*Kinoshita, turning back to Yachi*: Sorry, Yachi. This was supposed to be a 3rd years meetup but Enno and Rita decided to stay back and go on a study date. Stupid boyfriends not inviting me.

Tanaka: Now, now, Kino. No need to pout, they asked you to come but you decided not to.

Yachi: I'm so confused right now.

Kinoshita: Narita, Ennoshita and I are dating.

Yachi: Oh, congratulations!

Tanaka: Now, you said there was a guy in your class?

Yachi: Yeah, he called me a fag, could you please deal with him?

Tanaka: He called you a WHAT?! Ohohohoho, this guy is in for it.

*Tanaka runs out of the gym and Yachi follows him, wanting to be there to assert dominance over him (like the girlboss she is) when Tanaka's done with him*

*Narita, coming into the gym*: Why did I just witness an angry Tanaka running and a smirking Yachi following him?

*Ennoshita, sighing*: What did you guys tell him? He looks like he's going to go beat someone up.

Nishinoya: Oh, a guy in Yachi's class called her a fag, so he's going to go handle with him.

*Narita, sitting down next to Kinoshita*: Ah, that makes sense.

*Narita, kissing Kinoshita*: Also hey baby!

*Kinoshita, smiling*: Hey.

*Ennoshita goes over to kiss Kinoshita*

Ennoshita: Hey love.

Kinoshita: Hey Enno.

Narita: Did you miss us?

Kinoshita: Nope.

Nishinoya: Lies. He was whining about you not inviting him over when he was the one that declined your offer.

*Ennoshita, peppering Kinoshita's face with kisses*: Awww, you cute little baby.

Nishinoya: I can tolerate your disgustingness to some level, but don't push it.

Kinoshita: As if we don't see you all over Asahi whenever he comes over to watch us.

*Nishinoya, blushing*: That's different, I barely see him.

Asahi: Aww, do you miss me that much, love?

*Nishinoya, brightening up, jumps on Asahi*

Nishinoya: HEY SAHI!

Asahi: Hey baby. How are you?

Nishinoya: I'M OK!

*Asahi, chuckles*


*Asahi, turning to the trio*: Hope you guys are doing good.

Ennoshita: We're good, thanks.

Narita: And you tell us that we do too much PDA.

*Nishinoya, pouting*: 'Cause it's true.

Kinoshita: You're literally on top of your boyfriend right now.

Nishinoya: Oh shut up, Mr. My Boyfriends Left Me.

Kinoshita: HEY!

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