31. Iwaoi

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Main pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


*Oikawa pouting*

Iwaizumi: Hey, Shittykawa, why are you pouting?

Oikawa: I'm not.

Oikawa: ...

Oikawa: Ok, fine. I have to babysit my nephew today.

Iwaizumi: And?

Oikawa: He's a brat and he's annoying!

Iwaizumi: You let your nephew get to you?

Oikawa: No- he's just a handful.

Iwaizumi: Fine. If it's so difficult, I'll go with you.

Oikawa: Are you serious?

Iwaizumi: Sure. I mean, he's just a kid.

*That afternoon*

Oikawa: Takeru, this is-

Takeru: Oh, you must be the famous Iwa-chan.

Iwaizumi: That I am.

*They go inside*

Iwaizumi: So, Takeru, what do you like to do?

Takeru: Make fun of people.

Iwaizumi: Ooookay. Anything else?

Takeru: I like zombies.

Iwaizumi: But you're too young to watch a zombie movie. Does your mom let you?

Takeru: Yeah!

Oikawa: No. No she doesn't.

Iwaizumi: Mhm. Thought so.

Takeru: But mom always tells me how Iwa-chan and-

Iwaizumi: Kid, just call me Iwa. Someone calling me Iwa-chan other than Tooru makes me uncomfortable.

Takeru: Ok, then, Iwa. As I was saying, mom always talks about how he used to sneak in through your window and you guys would watch scary alien movies together. As mom tells it, you guys used to scream so loud that grandma would come in and shut the tv off so they could sleep again.

*Iwaizumi, chuckling*: Oh yeah, I remember that. Tooru was shaking so hard after that one scene.

Oikawa: It was scary, ok?! An alien literally popped up from a guy's stomach! Also I was 6!

Iwaizumi: So was I, did you see me shaking and crying?

Oikawa: No, but I remember you waking up, checking both our stomachs to see if there was any movement then going back to sleep every 2 hours.

*Iwaizumi, blushing*: Shut up, Shittykawa.

Takeru: So... Can we watch the movie?

*Oikawa and Iwaizumi at the same time*: No.

Takeru: Oh man...

Iwaizumi: Have you eaten dinner?

Takeru: Not yet. But I don't want to.

Oikawa: Why not?

*Takeru, pouting*: We have spinach tonight.

Oikawa: Well, we don't have to eat it... We could always order pizza...

Iwaizumi: Kawa!

Oikawa: C'mon Iwa-chan, you know we both hate spinach. And one-san never told us to eat it.

Iwaizumi: Fair point. Ok, fine. We can order pizza.

Takeru: Yay!

*Iwaizumi pulls out his phone but then stops and looks at Oikawa with pleading eyes*

*Oikawa, sighing*: I really don't understand how you can't order food.

Iwaizumi: It's hard, ok?!

Oikawa: Give me the phone.

*Iwaizumi gives Oikawa the phone*

Iwaizumi: Thanks babe.

Takeru: Babe? Wait... Are you guys dating? Ewwww...

Iwaizumi: You got a problem with your uncle- god that sounds so weird- having a boyfriend?

Takeru: Nah, just don't do weird stuff around me. Like k- eurgh- ki- nope- I can't even say it-

Iwaizumi: Kissing? Like this?

*Iwaizumi kisses Oikawa, WITH TONGUE*

*Takeru, the poor child*: I think I'm gonna puke.

*Oikawa and Iwaizumi chuckle*

*Oikawa orders the pizza and it comes after a few minutes*

Takeru: Ok, tell me a story about your childhood.

Iwaizumi: Hmmm. Oh. I got one.

Iwaizumi: I remember when Tooru wanted to star in the school play in 2nd grade. He had practiced so hard for the role yet Mai, a girl in our year, got it instead. Tooru was so mad, just being picked as an understudy. He was so upset that he put a bug in her lunch.

*Oikawa, burying his head in his hands*: Oh God. Out of everything you could've told, why that one?

Iwaizumi: Because it's fun to make you embarrassed.

*Oikawa, groaning*: I hate you.

Iwaizumi: No you don't. Anyways Takeru, your grandma was so mad that she grounded Tooru for a week. Yet every night he would sneak over to my house. He'd make us build a blanket fort and watch scary movies. Your grandma was so upset with both of us.

Oikawa: Then- then I said, "But mum, how will I get to know my future husband better if I don't spend as much time as I can with him?"

Iwaizumi: She- she was so appalled that she stood there for like 5 minutes until she said "Ok." and left.

*Oikawa and Iwaizumi burst out laughing*

Takeru: I feel like I'm third-wheeling even though you're here for me.

*They spend time just telling stories from their childhood*

Oikawa: Oh my God. It's already 11 pm.

Takeru: Aww, I don't want to go to bed yet.

Iwaizumi: Having too much fun?

*Takeru, yawning*: Yeah. Next time I'm home alone, will you two come over and tell me more of your stories?

*Oikawa, with a soft smile*: Sure, kiddo. Now let's get you to bed.

*Takeru, having trouble keeping his eyes open*: Okay.

*After they get Takeru in bed, they go to the living room, put on an alien movie and cuddle on the couch*

Iwaizumi: Oh my God. Your feet are fucking freezing, Kawa. Come here.

*Iwaizumi takes Oikawa's feet and puts them between his legs to warm them up*

Oikawa: Mmmm. Cozy.

*Iwaizumi, kissing his boyfriend's forehead*: Good night, my love.

*Oikawa, his words slurring*: G'night.

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