14. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Manga spoilers

Time: Post-timeskip


*In the MSBY group chat*

Sakusa: Atsumu

Sakusa: Tsumu

Sakusa: Baby

Sakusa: Pretty boy

Sakusa: Loml

Sakusa: Number 13 of MSBY Black Jackals

Sakusa: My setter boyfriend

Sakusa: Brother of Osamu

Atsumu: WHAT?!

Sakusa: Tf u screaming for?!

Sakusa: Turn off the caps my guy

Atsumu: Omi pls it's too early for this

Sakusa: Then explain y u didn't answer my calls

Atsumu: I was pooping, homie 

Sakusa: How'd it go?

Atsumu: Not bad

Atsumu: Could've been better tho ngl

Sakusa: Alright, c u l8r ugly <3

Atsumu: Bye Omi ^3^

*An hour later*

Meian: Is this what they talk about in private?

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