47. Kuroken

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Main pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x Kozume Kenma

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


*In the NEKO NEKO NEKOMA group chat*

Lev: Do y'all ever think about the fact that your bellybutton is your old mouth?

Yaku: I was having a good day.

Kenma: Kuroo

Kuroo: What's up Ken-ken?

Kenma: I have sth I have to tell u

Kuroo: What is it? I'm all ears

Kenma: I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute.

Kenma: And then I'll be nothing, forever...

Kuroo: Kitten are you ok? You're worrying me...

Kenma: And all of my memories and all of the things I have seen will be gone...

Kenma: With my eyes, with my body with me.

Kuroo: Where are you?

Kenma: But me and my husband, we are doing better...

Kuroo: Your what?!

Kenma: It's always been just him and me, together.

Kenma: So I bet all I have on that furrowed brow and at least in this lifetime, we're sticking together...

Kenma: Me and my husband, we're sticking together.

Kuroo: Are you talking about me?..

Kenma: And I am the idiot with the painted face...

Kenma: In the corner, taking up space.

Kuroo: Kenma, you're never a waste of space.

Kuroo: Please don't ever think that.

Kenma: But when @kuroo walks in, I am loved, I am loved.

Kenma: This was stupid. 

Kenma: I'm sorry.

-Kenma is offline-

*In real life*

Kenma: Oh I really messed up this time, didn't I?

*Kenma hears his front door open*

Kuroo: Kenma! 

*Kenma, under his breath*: Shit.

*Kenma hides under his bed. He hears his bedroom door open and close and he shuts his eyes tight. He waits for a few minutes without opening his eyes. Then he slowly opens one and sees Kuroo staring at him, now both under the bed*

Kuroo: Hey.

Kenma: Uh... Hi...

Kuroo: So... Um... What are we doing down here?

Kenma: I don't know, you're the smart one, figure it out.

Kuroo: I don't know about that because I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

Kenma: Simple. Either you tell me you like me or not, and I'll tell you whether I'm serious or not.

Kuroo: What if I say I like you?

Kenma: I like you too.

Kuroo: Interesting. What if I say I don't?

Kenma: It was a lyric prank.

*Kuroo, with a smile creeping on his face*: You're adorable, you know that?

*Kuroo kisses Kenma*

Kenma: I love you.

Kuroo: I love you too.


Here's the song for those who want to listen to it

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