38. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: None

Other pairing(s): Sakuatsu (Sakusa x Atsumu)

Warnings: Mentions of the f word (once)

Time: Pre-timeskip


*Sakusa and Atsumu private messages*

Sakusa: Hey

Atsumu: Hey Omi, everything alright?

Sakusa: ik this is a bit sudden, but... do you want to go to the park after our practice match?

Atsumu: Sure, I'd love to :)

Sakusa: <3

*After their practice match, they go to the park near Sakusa's house*

Sakusa: I'll have a scoop of mint chocolate chip in a cone, please.

Atsumu: Hah! Omi you like toothpaste flavored ice-cream! Suits you, to be honest.

Sakusa: Did you ever try it?

Atsumu: No, why would I eat toothpaste?

Sakusa: Ok, then, mighty Miya, what is your favorite flavor?

*Atsumu, looking smug*: Vanilla.

Sakusa: Says a lot about your taste in bed, doesn't it?

Atsumu: Hey! For your information, I'm great in be-

Ice-cream shop worker whom I couldn't find a proper name for: And what would you have, sir?

Atsumu: One scoop of vanilla in a cone, please.

*After they get their ice-creams*

Sakusa: So... Um... There's something I wanted to talk to you about...

Atsumu: I'm all ears.

Sakusa: Well, I guess I wanted to thank you.

Atsumu: For what?

Sakusa: For being so patient with me, for staying by my side  for so long. No one's ever done that for me, they've always been so impatient to wait for me and see that I'm trying my hardest. It might sound kind of stupid, but in a way, you're the first friend I've ever had.

*Sakusa, sighing sadly*: Yet here I am, wanting to ruin that.

Atsumu: W-what?

*Sakusa, not looking at Atsumu*: I'm in love with you Atsumu.

Atsumu: Are- are you serious?

Sakusa: Look, I know you don't like me back, so can you just reject me, or call me a fag or-

Atsumu: I love you.

*Sakusa, looking up to Atsumu*: W-what?

*Atsumu, smiling softly*: I love you, Kiyoomi.

*Atsumu pulls Sakusa's mask down and leans in, before stopping himself*

Atsumu: Can I kiss you?

Sakusa: Yeah.

*They kiss* (so descriptive ik 😩) 

Sakusa: Will you be my boyfriend, Atsu?

Atsumu: Of course I will.

*Sakusa smirks*

Atsumu: What's that smirk? I don't like it.

Sakusa: Will you now try mint chocolate chip for your beautiful boyfriend?

Atsumu: Urgh, fine. Only because you're so cute.

*Atsumu tries it and grimaces*

Atsumu: It's disgusting! Omi how can you eat that?!

*A few months later*

*Osamu comes home to his brother sitting on the couch*

Osamu: Hey, idio-

Osamu: Why are you crying? 

Osamu: And is that... Mint chocolate ice-cream you're eating?

*Osamu calls Sakusa*

Sakusa: Hey, Samu, what's up? You don't normally call me...

Osamu: My brother is eating mint chocolate ice-cream what have you done to him?

Sakusa: Mint?! Are you serious?! He hates it!

Osamu: Also he's crying.

Sakusa: What?! Why didn't you lead with that?!

Osamu: Him eating mint ice-cream is rarer than him crying.

Sakusa: Ok, fair point. 

*Atsumu, in the distance*:  It's still disgusting. How can he eat that?!

Osamu: Aaaand he just started crying more.

Sakusa: Awww, that's adorable.

Osamu: Yeah, well, stop him, because it's getting annoying.

Sakusa: I'm already driving.

Osamu: Huh?

Sakusa: I'll be there in like... 3 hours.

Osamu: HUH?!

Sakusa: It was kind of an impulse decision, don't question it.

 Osamu: I-

Sakusa: I need to go, don't tell Atsumu, I want it to be a surprise.

*3 hours later*

*Sakusa rings the doorbell*


Osamu: YOU GET IT!


*The bell rings again*

Atsumu: Urgh. I'M COMING, I'M COMING!



*Atsumu, opening the door*: Hel-

Atsumu: Nope, I'm hallucinating.

*Atsumu tries to close the door but Sakusa puts his foot in and opens the door*

Sakusa: I can assure you that I am very much real.

*Sakusa, noticing Atsumu's eyes*: Aww, did you cry a lot, baby?

*Atsumu jumps on Sakusa, nearly knocking him down*

*Atsumu, his voice cracking*: I missed you so much...

*Sakusa, hugging Atsumu back*: I missed you too, love.

*They spend the whole day together and at night Atsumu proves that him liking vanilla has nothing to do with his performance in bed (poor Osamu has to go over to stay at Suna's)*

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