59. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Brotherly angst? not much tho it's just a bit and they're gonna work it out :)

Time: Pre-timeskip


*Sakusa's phone rings*

Sakusa: Please die a slow and painful death for me

Atsumu: Sorry, Omi but I can't make any promises on that one.

*Sakusa, rubbing his eyes*: Oh. It's you.

*Atsumu, chuckling*: Yeah. It's me.

Atsumu: I'm in a bit of a situation...

Sakusa: Oh yeah? A situation that requires you to wake me up at 2 in the morning?

Atsumu: Yup. That kind.

*Sakusa, sighing*: What did you do?  

Atsumu: How rude of you to think that I did something!

Sakusa: Atsumu...

Atsumu: So... Osamu challenged me to a little game...

Sakusa: Oh my God.

Atsumu: I couldn't say no, alright?! 

Atsumu: He's my brother.

Sakusa: Sure...

Sakusa: What game?

Atsumu: Hide and seek.

Sakusa: You couldn't refuse a game of hide and seek?

Atsumu: He's my brother.

Sakusa: You guys are insane.

Atsumu: I wanted to win because... well, y'know?

Atsumu: And well, one thing led to another and now I'm stuck on a tree.

Sakusa: What do you mean you're stuck on a tree?

Atsumu: Like sitting on a branch and can't get down kind of stuck in a tree.

Atsumu: At two in the morning.

Sakusa: Yes, I think we've established that one by now.

Sakusa: Where's Osamu?

Atsumu: Still looking for me.

Sakusa: Why didn't you call him?

Atsumu: Because it's a good hiding spot!

Sakusa: Atsumu Miya.

Sakusa: Call your brother.

Atsumu: But I'm winning

Sakusa: Getting yourself stuck in a tree hardly qualifies as winning.

Atsumu: Still.

Sakusa: How high up are you?

Atsumu: I'm not sure...

Sakusa: Well check!

Atsumu: Can't really do that.

Sakusa: Oh my God.

Sakusa: You're scared of heights, aren't you?

*Atsumu, with a strangled voice*: Mh-hm.

Sakusa: So let me get this straight. You climbed a tree in the middle of the night when you're scared of heights. Just to win a game of hide and seek.

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