17. Tsukkiyama

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Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


*Tsukishima and Yamaguchi private texts*

Tsukishima: Good evening, good sir.

Yamaguchi: Why hello there handsome.

Tsukishima: I'm writing to you to ponder if you are free later on the day.

Yamaguchi: Oh? And why is that?

Tsukishima: I have arranged a splendid picnic at the park, followed by a drive around the city (courtesy of stealing thy brother's car) and going to a drive-in movie.

Tsukishima: And dare do I ask if you are willing to rest a night at thy's house? I shall keep my promise of having pancakes with strawberries in the morning.

Yamaguchi: I must say that sounds absolutely delightful and I am more than happy to accompany you on these adventures you have so romantically prepared for me.

Tsukishima: The car shall arrive for you in front of your house at approximately 7 pm tonight. Is that alright with you?

Yamaguchi: That sounds absolutely splendid.

Yamaguchi: Ily, u dork.

Tsukishima: Ily2, freckles.

Tsukishima: Wear sth comfy, last time u fell asleep in the car and it was disgusting how u slept in jeans.

Yamaguchi: Wasn't my fault.

Tsukishima: Yeah, yeah.

Tsukishima: I'll see u l8r love.

Yamaguchi: C u l8r blondie.

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