90. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): Osasuna (Osamu x Suna)

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


In this story Mama Miya is a teen mom so Miya Twins don't have a dad


*9 am, in the Miyas' kitchen*

Mama Miya: Morning boys!

*Atsumu, who woke up at 6am, ready to fight god or die trying*: Morning Ma!

*Osamu, who takes two hours to process that he's alive each morning*: Morning Ma.

Mama Miya: I made you two toast!

Atsumu: Thank you!

Osamu: Thanks Ma.

*They all sit down at the table*

Mama Miya: Atsumu, how is your 'omi-omi' doing?

*Atsumu freezes and Osamu tries not to laugh at his expression*

Atsumu: Haha...who? 

*Mama Miya, smirking*: I see yer phone always blowing up with texts from someone. 

*Atsumu's eyes widen*

*Mama Miya, snorting*: What, ya think I don't notice?

Mama Miya: So tell me. Is this 'omi-omi' someone special? 

*Mama Miya, wriggling her eyebrows*: Someone I should know about?

*Atsumu, groaning, embarrassed*

Mama Miya: So they are...

Atsumu: Samu help..

Osamu: Yer on your own.

Atsumu: But I helped ya with Su-

Osamu: Shut the fuck up.

Mama Miya: Osamu, I know that yer datin' Sunarin.

*Osamu, blushing*: WHAT?! HOW?!

Mama Miya: Well, I'd been suspectin' it for a while but thank you for confirmin'.

*Atsumu snorts as Osamu bangs his head on the table, embarrassed*

*Atsumu gets a call and eyes his mother*

*Mama Miya, smirking*: Go ahead, answer it.

*Atsumu, groans before answering*

Atsumu: Hey!

*Sakusa, on call*: Hey Atsu..

Atsumu: What's up?

*Sakusa, on call*: Um.. I wasn't going to call but..

*Atsumu, furrowing his eyebrows*: Is everything alright?

*Mama Miya and Osamu turn to Atsumu instinctively*

*Sakusa, on call*: You haven't texted me since Thursday and I thought that you were busy so I didn't text you either but it's Sunday and I started getting worried and yeah..

Atsumu: What are ya talkin' about? I texted you a lot since Thursday, you're the one who hasn't replied..

*Sakusa, on call*: What? No, no. That's not possible.

*Atsumu puts Sakusa on speaker*

Atsumu: Ok, wait I'm gonna prove it to ya.

*Atsumu, groaning*: Oh my fuckin' god. 

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