67. Tsukiyamakagehina

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Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi x Kageyama Tobio x Hinata Shoyo

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


Yamaguchi: Hey, Tobs, can you describe yourself in one word for my social studies assignment?

Kageyama: Yours.

*Yamaguchi blushes*

*Hinata taking notes*: Yo...u'r...es.

*Tsukishima glancing over to Hinata's notebook*: Oh my god. You wrote yours wrong, idiot. The thing you wrote spells you ares.

*Yamaguchi, choosing to ignore them*:  Anyways, Tobs, next question.

Kageyama: Hit me.

Yamaguchi: What was the dumbest thing you believed as a child? 

Kageyama: Well, I thought I was straight. 

*Tsukihina whips their heads towards Kageyama so fast that they can hear the wind whoosh*

Hinata: You're gay?!

Kageyama: Y'know, for a pan, your gaydar is shit.

Tsukishima: You're pan?!

Yamaguchi: You guys should go get your gaydars checked, it's as obvious as me being omnisexual and Kei being gay.

Tsukishima: You're omnisexual?!

Hinata: You're gay?!

Yamaguchi: Oh wow you guys really didn't know...

Kageyama: Can't say I'm surprised, to be honest.


this is so stupid i hate it :/

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