45. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakuatsu (Sakusa x Atsumu)

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Post-timeskip


Meian: Everyone, say hello to our newest member, Sakusa Kiyoomi.

Bokuto: Welcome!

*Bokuto, tries to hug him but Sakusa moves back, his expression between anxious and disgusted*

Sakusa: I... Don't really like physical contact.

*Bokuto, feeling dejected*: Oh, sorry.

Meian: Where the fuck is Atsumu?!

*Meian, sighing*: Ok, you know what? He'll join us later on. Sakusa, take off your mask and we can begin.

Sakusa: Do... Do I have to?

Meian: Well, yes, you can't breathe properly in that.

*Sakusa takes his mask off but he looks very uncomfortable*

*Sakusa, internally*: Ok, I can do this. I can do this. It's fine.

*5 minutes later*

*In the water break, Sakusa puts his mask on and goes to the corner* 

Atsumu: I'm so sorry I'm late coach, my car broke down on the way here and-

*Sakusa snaps out of his trance and looks up at Atsumu*

Atsumu: Hey. You ok?

*Sakusa hesitates at first but then nods*

Atsumu: I don't buy that. What's wrong?

Sakusa: Nothing, really. 

Atsumu: If you don't tell me what's wrong-

Sakusa: I had to take my mask off and I just- y'know.

Atsumu: Do you want a hug?

Meian: Atsumu, I should inform you, Sakusa does not like-

*Sakusa hugs Atsumu*

Meian: -Physical contact...

Sakusa: Thanks, Atsu.

*Atsumu, kissing his forehead*: Anytime, gorgeous.



Hinata: Just yesterday you were talking about how you were proud of them. 

Sakusa: Huh?

Atsumu: Yeah, I was just telling them how much you've grown since high school and that I could see that you're really trying to get over your germaphobia. 

*Atsumu kisses Sakusa (like the pic above)*

Bokuto: Wait... Ok I'm dumb. Omi's short for Kiyoomi. 

*Atsumu, grinning*: Yup.


This was really rushed but I hope y'all liked it :))

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