30. Tsukkiyama

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Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi

Other pairing(s): Hinted Bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi)

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


Kuroo: Hey, Tsukki, is there someone you like?

Tsukishima: Yes.

Bokuto: Woah, what's she like?

Tsukishima: Well, he's-

Kuroo: Wait, he?

Tsukishima: Yes? Why are you all so surprised?

Akaashi: Well, to be honest, we kind of thought that you were homophobic.

Tsukishima: Oh my God.

Bokuto: So, what's he like?

Tsukishima: Well, he's really pretty. His hair has a little antenna on it. It stands up if he's happy and deflates when he's sad. Kinda like Bokuto-san's hair.

Bokuto: Woah, my hair does that?

Akaashi: Yeah. It looks very cute.

Tsukishima: Anyways, his freckles are like constellations that I could look at all day. His eyes shine so bright when something that interests him. He's also outgoing and kind and smart and well, he's been by my side my whole life, and I hope he will be there for the rest of it too...

Kuroo: Woah, you really love him, don't you?

*Tsukishima, blushing*: Yeah.

Akaashi: I don't mean to invade your privacy, Tsukishima-kun, but from what you descripted, the person you like sounds like Yamaguchi-kun.

Tsukishima: It is.

*Yamaguchi walking in*: Hey.

Akaashi: Did you hear what we were talking about?

Yamaguchi: Yeah.

Kuroo: Oh shit.

Yamaguchi: Whatever.

Kuroo: Wait... Why aren't you surprised?

Yamaguchi: Should I have been?

Bokuto: Yes?!

Yamaguchi: Oh wow! I'm so surprised that my boyfriend of 3 years likes me! Is that enough surprise? I'm tired and I need a Tsukki to cuddle.

Tsukishima: Don't mind him, he's grumpy when he's sleepy. Goodnight. I'll see you guys tomorrow night.

*Tsukishima kisses Yamaguchi's forehead and wraps his arm around his shoulder*: C'mon, love, let's go to bed.

*Yamaguchi snuggles more into Tsukishima's side*: Mmm. Yeah.

Kuroo: Wha-

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