48. Bokuakakuroken

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Main pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji x Kuroo Tetsuro x Kozume Kenma

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


1. Akaken (Akaashi x Kenma)

Akaashi: Hey, Ken. Why are you late?

Kenma: A technical error occurred causing an unexpected long bought of unconsciousness. 

Akaashi: You overslept?

Kenma: I overslept.


2. Bokuroo (Bokuto x Kuroo)

*Bokuto, pouting*: I have to study for my maths exam...

Bokuto: I don't want to do it... Tetsu...

*Kuroo, trying to do his chemistry homework*: Kou, stop complaining.

Bokuto: I'm not complaining... 

Bokuto: I'm just... complaining.

*Kuroo kisses Bokuto*

Kuroo: There. Now study.


3. Bokuken (Bokuto x Kenma)

Kenma: Kou, stay serious for a second.

*Bokuto, giggling*: You're so beautiful.

*Kenma, forcing himself to stop smiling at Bokuto's cuteness*: Stop it-


4. Kuroaka (Kuroo x Akaashi)

*Kuroo clings on Akaashi*

Akaashi: Go away, Tetsu.

Kuroo: Stop acting like you're not as clingy as I am, Jiji.

*Akaashi, blushing*: Shut up.


5. Kuroken (Kuroo x Kenma)

Kenma: Wow! I woke up early for once!

Kenma: What an achievement, I deserve an award!

 Kenma: Award nap it is!

Kuroo: No-


6. Bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi)

*Bokuto, telling a joke*

*Akaashi laughs*

*Bokuto, internally*: Shit. He's so pretty. 

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