8. Bokuaka

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Main pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: 🚩 / Abusive parents / Mentions of child abuse / Mentions of being locked in a basement / Claustrophobia / Panic attack

Time: Pre-timeskip 


*Teacher, handing out the tests*: Bokuto-kun, I'm very disappointed at you.

Bokuto: I'm sorry. I'll do better next time.

*The teacher gives Bokuto his exam paper back*

The result: 36/100

*Bokuto's inner voice 1*: No, no, no. You can't have a breakdown here. Pull yourself together.

*Bokuto's inner voice 2*: I'm going to the basement, I don't want to go there. No, please. I don't want to go home.

*Later at home* (ik he has sisters, but in this scenario, he doesn't, ok?)

Mrs. Bokuto: You disgrace! How dare you come home with such a result!

Mr. Bokuto: I think 24 hours in the basement will teach you a lesson!

Bokuto: Please don't-

Mrs. Bokuto: Are you talking back?!

*Mr. and Mrs. Bokuto beat Koutaro up and lock him up in the basement*

*Bokuto, internally*: I can't breathe- please- Keiji save me- please-

*Bokuto starts to scratch and bang on the basement's door. Bokuto's parents know that Koutaro is claustrophobic, so whenever he misbehaves, they lock him up in their small basement*

*The 24 hours pass with Bokuto having a breakdown, trying to get out, passing out, waking up and repeating. After 24 hours pass, his parents get him out of the basement and beat him up until he wakes up again*

Mrs. Bokuto: Go get ready for school, you piece of crap!

Bokuto: Y-yes, ma'am.

*Bokuto goes to morning practice*

Akaashi: Good morning, Bokuto-san.

*Bokuto flinches*

Akaashi: Bokuto-san, are you ok?

*Bokuto trying to sound energetic*: Yeah! I'm fine Akaashi!

*That practice, Bokuto flinches at nearly everything and isn't as bubbly and happy as usual, and his team grows concerned. The coach also notices so he calls Bokuto over*

Coach: Hey, Bokuto, are you ok? You flinch a lot and your spikes were really off today. Maybe you should rest for the day. I already informed your parents. They will come pick you up in a few minutes.

*Tears well up in Bokuto's eyes*: No- no- please don't-

*His knees give out and he falls on the floor. He hugs his knees and rests his head against them*

*Bokuto, murmuring with a shaky voice*: No- no- no- please no- I don't want to go to the basement- not again- no- please- no- no-

*As Bokuto starts sobbing and hyperventilating, Akaashi rushes over to him and sits next to him*

*Akaashi, in a calming voice*: Hey, Kou, can I touch you?

*Bokuto nods*

*Akaashi, hugging Bokuto from the side*: You're having a panic attack, love. Can you lift your head up and tell me 5 things you can see?

*Bokuto, lifting his head up, his voice shaky*: The net, my knees, you, Konoha and the balls on the ground.

Akaashi: Can you tell me 4 things you can feel?

Bokuto: Your arms around me, the breeze coming from outside, the floor and your breath on my neck.

Akaashi: You're going amazing, baby. Now I need 3 things you can hear.

*Bokuto, sounding a bit better now*: My breath, your voice, and your breath.

Akaashi: Lastly, I need you to tell me 2 things you can smell.

Bokuto: Your cologne and sweat.

*Akaashi pulling Bokuto on his lap and playing with his hair*

*Akaashi, in a low voice*: It's ok now, Kou. Do you mind telling me what happened, baby? Why don't you want your parents to come here?

Bokuto: W-whenever they're are mad at me, they lock me in the basement-

Akaashi: Wait... Aren't you claustrophobic?

Bokuto: That's t-the point.

Akaashi: Oh my god- for how long?

Bokuto: It changes according to how angry they are at me.

Akaashi: Kou... Why didn't you tell me?

Bokuto: I didn't want to worry you.

Akaashi: Do they do anything other than locking you in the basement?

Bokuto: They usually beat me up before and after they put me in the basement.

Akaashi: Can... Can I see?

*Bokuto takes his shirt off and the team gasps at the black bruises on Bokuto's body*

Akaashi: I'm going to kill them.

*Bokuto, putting his shirt back on*: Keiji, you don't have to do anyth-

*Akaashi, slightly raising his voice*: Do you see the state of your body?!

*Bokuto flinches*

*Akaashi, immediately calming down and hugging Bokuto*: I'm sorry.

*Bokuto's parents come in to the gym*

Mrs. Bokuto: KOUTARO!

*Bokuto flinches again and Akaashi's grip on him tightens*

Mrs. Bokuto: How dare you make us come all the way here! Your coach said that you weren't playing well! You are truly a disgrace.

Mr. Bokuto: Clearly you need to spend more time in the basement! Let's go.

*Akaashi, with a scowl*: You've got to be kidding me.

*Akaashi walks up to Mr. Bokuto and raises his fist but Konoha stops him*

Konoha: I called the cops. Don't give them an alibi.

*Akaashi growls and goes over to the nearest wall and punches it. A crack can be heard and the team notices the fist mark on the wall* 

*Akaashi, to Mr. Bokuto, darkly*: Hurt him again, and your face will be worse. You got me?!

*Mr. Bokuto, trembling in fear*: Y-yes.

*Akaashi, with a scary smile*: Good.

*The cops arrive and take Mr. and Mrs. Bokuto*

*A few years later*

*Bokuto and Akaashi are cuddling on their couch. Akaashi's holding the book he's reading, with one hand while he's playing with Bokuto's hair with the other*

Bokuto: My last name sucks. I think I should change it.

*Akaashi, putting down his book*: I know it doesn't bring nice memories, love. What did you have in mind?

Bokuto: I was thinking of-

*Bokuto stands up and gets on one knee*

Bokuto: -Akaashi

*Akaashi, grinning*: I would really like that.

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