35. Kyouhaba

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Main pairing: Kyoutani Kentarou x Yahaba Shigeru

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


Shots from the life of Kyouhaba



*Private messages between Yahaba and Kyoutani*

Yahaba: Hey.

Kyoutani: Y r u nervous?

Yahaba: How-

Kyoutani: I just can, dumbass. Now tell me what's wrong.

Yahaba: I kinda need advice on how to confess to the guy I like...

Kyoutani: You... like a guy?

Yahaba: Yeah? 

Yahaba: Y is that so hard to believe?

Kyoutani: I just- 

Kyoutani: Nevermind.

Kyoutani: But why did you come to me and not Oikawa-san or someone?

Yahaba: You know he's not the best to go to for these kinda situations. 

Yahaba: And I needed someone in my year to understand me better.

Kyoutani: What about Watari? Why didn't u talk to him?

Yahaba: Talk to an aro/ace about love life problems, brilliant idea.

Kyoutani: Sorry. I forgot.

Kyoutani: Anyways, if you really want me to answer, then I think you should ask him on a date and then confess.

Yahaba: Ok. Wanna go on a date with me?  

Kyoutani: Not me, idiot. The guy you like.

Yahaba: I just did.

Kyoutani: What'd he say?

Yahaba: I'm waiting for him to understand the question.

Kyoutani: No offence but he sounds kinda dumb.

Yahaba: Glad you finally admitted.

Kyoutani: Wait-

Kyoutani: It's me?

Yahaba: Yup.

Kyoutani: Don't blame me! I'm usually smart.

Kyoutani: My brain just short circuited.

Kyoutani: Imagine your crush, who you think hates you, randomly texts you about how he likes a guy and asks for tips to ask him out. 

Kyoutani: I literally couldn't type because of the tears in my eyes.

Yahaba: Awww you poor baby :(

Kyoutani: (^///^)

Yahaba: Did you just-

Kyoutani: Regretted it the moment I pressed send.

Yahaba: ...

Kyoutani: You're never letting me live that down, are you?

Yahaba: Never.

Kyoutani: Oh god.

Yahaba: So... Are u up for that date tomorrow?

Kyoutani: Sure.

Yahaba: Great!

Yahaba:  (^///^)

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