19. Bokuaka

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Main pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji (Heavily implied)

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip 


Bokuto: Kaashi, if you were to describe me with one word, what would it be?

Akaashi: Star.

Bokuto: Why?

Akaashi: It's just... You're the type of person that can light up the world. Not just someone's world, I mean the whole world. You can get anyone to cheer you on, and you shine so bright. Like a star.

Bokuto: Alright, Kaashi. If I'm a star, then you're my world.

Akaashi: What do you mean?

Bokuto: I mean, you said I was the star, right? A star is something that lights up the world, like the sun. If that's the case, you're my world. Scientifically speaking, I bring light to you, like how the star lights up the world. Do you get it Kaashi? You're my world.

*Akaashi, smiling*: Then please continue being the star to my world, Bokuto-san.

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