80. Miya Twins

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Main pairing: (Past) Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: 🚩

Time: Pre-timeskip


(AU: Non-binary Atsumu)

I'm sorry in advance :/


*Osamu and Atsumu private messages*

Osamu: TSUMU

Atsumu: what


Atsumu: no


Atsumu: i rlly didnt

Atsumu: im not in the mood

Atsumu: can we not do this pls?

Osamu: are u ok?

Atsumu: no

Osamu: im coming in

*Osamu knocks on Atsumu's door and hears shuffling and sniffling*

*Atsumu, their voice raspy*: One minute.

Osamu: Tsumu it's me.

*The shuffling stops*

*Atsumu, mumbling*: Come in..

*Osamu comes in to see Atsumu absolutely wrecked with tears falling down their cheeks. He closes the door and his heart breaks when Atsumu starts sobbing violently, their whole body shaking as they try to stifle their sobs with their hands*

*Osamu, hugging Atsumu*: It's ok. It's alright. I'm here. I'm right here.

*They sit on the floor with Osamu hugging Atsumu until they calm down*

Osamu: How are you feeling?

Atsumu: Thirsty.

*Osamu, chuckling as he wipes the tears off of their cheeks*: You cried for a long time, it's normal for you to be dehydrated.

*Osamu gives Atsumu a glass of water and they drink it*

*Osamu, clearing Atsumu's hair out of their eyes*: Do you want to talk about it?

Atsumu: Yeah. But I don't know where to start.

Osamu: It's ok, take your time.

*Atsumu, taking in a deep breath*: So, y'know how I'm non-binary and have been wanting to tell Sakusa for a while?

*Osamu, internally*: Did he just call him Sakusa? Oh no, don't tell me-

*Atsumu, making a sound between a chuckle and a sob*: Yeah, well, I finally did.

*Osamu hugs Atsumu*

Atsumu: He said that- that he- he-

Osamu: Take your time.

*Atsumu, starting to sob again*: I don't think I want to talk about it anymore.

Osamu: It's ok, Tsumu. We don't have to talk about it. How about I make you something to eat, huh?

Atsumu: Is mom here? I don't want her to see me like this.

Osamu: She's staying over at granny's this week, remember?

Atsumu: Oh yeah.

Osamu: Come on you big baby.

*Osamu carries Atsumu (piggyback) to the living room*

Osamu: It'll be ready in 5 minutes. Meanwhile, let's watch some Charlie & Lola. (Charlie and Lola are my whole childhood)

*Atsumu, with a tired smile on their face*: Yay.

*5 minutes later, Osamu brings Atsumu something to eat*

Atsumu: Thank you for this.

Osamu: Anytime.

Atsumu: You're the younger one, I should be taking care of you.

Osamu: You're my twin brother but you're a passive little baby, so I feel like I need to take care of you even if I'm younger. I know that we're always fighting, but I really love you, ok?

*Atsumu hugs Osamu*

Atsumu: Say it again, please.

*Osamu hugs Atsumu tighter*

*Osamu whispering*: I love you.

*Atsumu, whispering*: I love you too.

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