93. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): Bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi)

Warnings: None

Time: Post-timeskip


AU: Demi-boy Akaashi (he/they)

Also @Hazelnut_Riptide and @Dnfshipper2009 requested a fluffy Sakuatsu chapter after the last one so here y'all go ig


*The MSBY 4 are at Miya Onigiri for their weekly night out*

Akaashi: And that's how I knew what Koutaro would say in a span of 2 seconds, back in high school.


Bokuto: Of course, they're my husband after all!

*Sakusa, having had enough of the conversation (positively), very drunk (because he's a lightweight), zones out*

*Sakusa, internally*: Fuck. Atsumu looks so pretty tonight. I love him so much. Should I confess? I should confess. 

*Sakusa, strides over to "Atsumu"*

"Atsumu": Sakusa, ya ok man?

*Sakusa hugs "Atsumu" and puts his head on his shoulder*

Sakusa: I love you.

*Sakusa feels "Atsumu" freeze under his arms*

"Atsumu": How drunk are ya right now?

*Sakusa, continuing, not understanding how it's relevant*: You're my favorite person in the world, you're the best teammate and you're a good friend. You're funny and you're very hot and yo-

*"Atsumu", cutting in*: Sakusa, my guy, ya've got the wrong twin.

*Sakusa looks up to the man and notices upon further inspection, there is something different about the man. He has no scar on his left eyebrow, his laugh lines are less pronounced, he smells.... odd. The hand around his wrist is colder than it should be, softer too.*

*Sakusa, internally*: Wait... If this isn't Atsumu, then who is it?

Atsumu: Everythin' okay there?

*Sakusa turns to look at Atsumu and his head snaps back to "Atsumu", wondering if he's had too much drinks, because now he's seeing doubles*

"Atsumu": Yer boyfriend jus' confessed to me.

*Sakusa, internally*: Boyfriend? What boyfriend? I would remember if I was in a relationship, wouldn't I? 

*Sakusa takes a step back from "Atsumu" and looks at Atsumu, who looks like he's trying his best to hold in laughter*

Atsumu: Let's get some water in ya, babe. 

*A gentle arm wraps itself around Sakusa's waist and leads him to a table nearby* 

*After a few cups of water*

*Sakusa, internally, having sobered up a little*: Did I really just confess to Atsumu's twin? I can never talk to Osamu again, I'll have to fake my death.

*Sakusa looks up at Atsumu, his Atsumu, and finds him smirking* 

Atsumu: So ya love me, huh?

*Sakusa ducking his head, embarrassed*: Maybe...

*Atsumu presses a gentle kiss on Sakusa's forehead*

Atsumu: Ya wouldn't be dating me if ya didn't.

Sakusa: We're dating?

Atsumu: Yup! Almost five months now.

*Sakusa frowning, mumbling to himself*: Did I really just forget my own relationship? I can never drink again. Who gave me two drinks anyways? I'm gonna kill Hinata. 

*Atsumu chuckling, having heard him*: Let's get ya home, baby.

*Sakusa nods, too exhausted to speak. He doesn't remember the ride home, or the shower, or getting changed into pyjamas; however, he does remember a hand petting his hair and lulling him to sleep. A soft "I love you too, Kiyoomi." is the last thing he hears before drifting off*

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