46. Tsukkiyama

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Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


Shots from the life of Tsukkiyama



*Yamaguchi confesses*

*Tsukishima, internally*: Ok, Kei, play it cool. You only have one shot at this.

Yamaguchi: Sorry, you probably don't want to be friends anymore.

Tsukishima: No, I don't.

*Yamaguchi starts crying*

*Tsukishima, internally*: Dude what the fuck?! You're making him cry!

*Tsukishima, hugging Yamaguchi*: I don't want to be friends, because I'd rather be lovers.



Hinata: Yams, you're cute and polite, why do you still not have a girlfriend?

Kageyama: Yeah... Now that I think about it... Maybe Yachi knows something... Y'know, since she's a girl.

Yachi: Well... It's kind of embarrassing to say but all the girls think that Yamaguchi's in love with Tsukishima.

*Yamaguchi, banging his head on the table*: Damn. Am I that obvious?

*Tsukishima, kissing his hair*: Yes. Yes you are, mon étoile. (Which means "my star" in French bc/ I hc Tsukki as half-french)



Yamaguchi: ...

Tsukishima: Yamaguchi shut up.

Hinata: Hey! He didn't even say anything!

Yamaguchi: Thanks Tsukki.

Sugawara: What...

Yamaguchi: Well... Tsukki sometimes tells me to shut up when I'm overthinking... The first time he told me that was when I was rambling on about how useless I was...

Tsukishima: I told him to shut up because it was stupid. He was none of the things he was saying and I got annoyed. Then it stuck. 

Yamaguchi: So I guess it's kind of a reminder that I'm enough.

Hinata: That's actually so sweet.



*Tsukishima laying in his bed with his eyes closed and back turned to the door*

*Someone opens his door*

Tsukishima: Look, Akiteru, I'm  not in the mood right now. Please leave me alone and just let me imagine cuddling with the love of my life in peace. 

*Yamaguchi, who opened the door*: Why imagine when the real deal is here?

*Tsukishima, blushing*: Well, hello there, intruder.

Yamaguchi: How can I be an intruder if I'm the love of your life?

Tsukishima: You're never letting that go, are you?

*Yamaguchi, grinning*: Nope.

*Tsukishima, opening his arms*: Well, come here then.



Yamaguchi: Hey guys. 

Hinata: Hey Yams, what's up?

Yamaguchi: Tsukki and I are kind of in the middle of a blushing contest.

Sugawara: Ooh~ fun.

Yamaguchi: Yup! And I'm going to win.

*In the middle of practice*

Yamaguchi: Wow! That was so cool Tsukki!

*Tsukishima, blushing*: Shut up, Yama.

Yamaguchi: Make me.

*Tsukishima blushes even more*

Yamaguchi: I WIN! HA!

Tsukishima: Fine.



*Yamaguchi calls Tsukishima at 4 a.m.*

Yamaguchi: Tsukki, do you think I'm pretty?

Tsukishima: Where's this coming from?

Yamaguchi: It was stupid, sorry.

Tsukishima: No, no, wait. Yams, are you being bullied for your freckles again?

Yamaguchi: ...

Tsukishima: Mon étoile, your freckles are pretty and you are beautiful, if people bully for your appearance they need to fuck off and go get a pair of working eyes.

Yamaguchi: Thanks...

Tsukishima: Why is your voice echoing-

*Tsukishima sees Yamaguchi standing in his balcony*

Tsukishima: Fuck. You scared me Dashi.

*They cuddle and go to sleep*



*Private messages between Yamaguchi and Tsukishima*

Yamaguchi: how long will you love me for?

Tsukishima: until every star in the sky has been counted

Tsukishima: until all the water in the ocean dries up

Tsukishima: until the world runs out of air

Tsukishima: even in another life

Tsukishima: i'll never stop loving you, my love for you is infinite, a bond no person could ever break. 

Tsukishima: we're inseparable now and forever, i couldn't imagine a world where you weren't in, because it would simply not be a world worth living in.

Yamaguchi: aww... ily kei!

Tsukishima: ily2 dashi <3



Hinata: Hey guys, do you want to meet up this Saturday?

Yamaguchi: Sorry guys, Tsukki and I have a date.

Yachi: What're you going to do?

Yamaguchi: We're going to an escape room!

Yachi: Wow! Won't you get scared, Yamaguchi-kun?

Tsukishima: Oh trust me, he doesn't even flinch.

Yamaguchi: Yeah, Tsukki's the one who gets scared!

Tsukishima: Hey! I don't get scared!

Yamaguchi: Whatever makes you sleep at night ;)



*Yamaguchi knocks on the fridge*

Tsukishima: Why did you knock on the fridge?

Yamaguchi: There might be a salad dressing!

Tsukishima: Oh my god.

*Akiteru cackling in the background*



Tsukishima: Mon étoile...

Yamaguchi: Yes, Kei? 

Tsukishima: Are you going to cling to me all day?

*Yamaguchi, hugs Tsukishima tighter*

Tsukishima: Ok.

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