84. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): Osasunakomo (Osamu x Suna x Komori)

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip


*On a facetime call*

Atsumu: I'm hungry. 

Sakusa: Go get yourself something to eat then, idiot.

Atsumu: Ok. Here we go.

*Atsumu goes to the kitchen with Sakusa still on the phone*

Atsumu: So, I was thinking...

Sakusa: Oh no.

Atsumu: Shut up. Anyways, I was thinking... do you think that Ging named his son Gon, because he would be gone?

Sakusa: How your brain works is a true mystery, Miya.

*Atsumu, pouting*: When are you going to stop calling me Miya?

*Sakusa, smirking*: When you become a Sakusa too.

Atsumu: Not happening.

*Sakusa, trying to play it off with a joke (but failing really badly by forgetting the joke part)*: Oh, ok.

*Atsumu, lost in his own thoughts*: No, no. Sakusa Atsumu? Ew. It should definitely be Miya Kiyoomi. You should take my last name since you like it so much.

*Sakusa, smiling*: I guess we'll just have to wait and see, then.

Atsumu: I guess so.

*Atsumu bites into his peanut butter bread*

Sakusa: Cannibalism.

*Atsumu confused*

*Osamu, from the living room*: He's calling you cute, or sweet, depends on what you're eating.

Atsumu: Oh.

*Atsumu blushes*

*Sakusa stares at Atsumu lovingly as Atsumu chomps on his peanut butter bread*

Atsumu: What's up Omi-kun?

Sakusa: It's just nice, watching you exist.

*Atsumu, blushing*: Omiiiiiii

*Osamu groaning from the other room (in Atsumu's house)*: SHUT UP YOU'RE SO LOVEY-DOVEY. YOU'RE MAKING ME MISS MY BOYFRIEND-

*Osamu, whispering*: -s

*Komori from the other room (in Sakusa's house)*: IS THAT SAMU?!

Sakusa: Why do you care?

*Komori runs over to Sakusa*: SAMU!!!!

*Osamu runs over to Atsumu*: TOYA!!

Atsumu: What the fuck is happening?

Sakusa: Fuck me if I know.

Komori: I miss you.

Osamu: Me too.

Osamu: Wish you could be here.

Atsumu: Samu what is going on?

*Atsumu mutes himself*

Osamu: I'm dating Rin and Motoya.


*Atsumu hugs Osamu*

Atsumu: Why didn't you tell me?

Osamu: I wasn't sure if you'd approve of a poly relationship.

Atsumu: I'd approve of anything that makes you happy. 

*Osamu hugs Atsumu*

*Meanwhile with Sakusa Kiyoomi, a lip reader, and Komori Motoya, his very embarrassed cousin*

*Sakusa mutes himself*

Sakusa: NO WAY


Komori: Shut up Kiyo.

Sakusa: Knew you could do it.

Komori: Thanks I guess.

Sakusa: Stop hiding your emotions you're an ENFP not an ENTP.

Komori: I regret introducing you to MBTI.

Sakusa: You should.

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