10. Ushiten

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Main pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Tendou Satori

Other pairing(s): Kagehina (Kageyama x Hinata) / Hiruhoshi (Hirugami x Hoshiumi)

Warnings: Manga spoilers

Time: Post timeskip


*In the locker rooms*

Hirugami: Hey, Ushijima, what's your type?

Ushijima: My type? My type of what?

Sokolov: Your type of girl. Y'know, the type of girl you usually go for.

Ushijima: I don't have one.

Hirugami: Keeping your options open, I see. So, what's keeping you from going out with any of the lovely women who'd kill to date out great ace?

Ushijima: I'm gay.

Hirugami: Oh. Well, you should've just said that.

Sokolov: So, no ladies, just gentleman?

*Ushijima nods*

Hirugami: I can work with that. What kind of man are you looking for? What's your type? We can get you a boyfriend in no time.

Ushijima: I don't need one.

Sokolov: Oh, come on man. It can't be volleyball all the time. You've got to do something else. Get some hobbies or work off some of that energy in other, fun ways.

Ushijima: No thank you.

Hirugami: I'm sure your opinion would change if you got a boyfriend.

*Ushijima, sighing*: Look. I appreciate the offer, but I'm already married, so a boyfriend won't be necessary.

Hirugami: Oh... That is... Interesting...

Sokolov: Well, what's he like?

Ushijima: Well, he's a chocolatier in Paris.

Sokolov: Pfft- sure.

Kageyama: Ushijima-san, how did you propose to Tendou-san? I want to propose to Hinata but I don't know how...

Ushijima: I didn't propose to Ten- wait... How'd you know-

Kageyama: You two were kind of obvious in high school.

Hirugami: Wait- high school?!

Sokolov: You knew your husband back in high school?!

Ushijima: Is there a problem with that?

Hirugami: No, um... We were just shocked you could maintain a relationship for that long.

Ushijima: Well, Kageyama has been dating his partner since high school as well, so are many of my high school friends. It's really not that hard if both parties love each other.

Kageyama: I agree.

Hirugami: Interesting...

Hoshiumi: Is it that surprising Hirugami-san? I've also been dating your brother since high school.

Hirugami: YOU'RE WHAT?!

Hoshiumi: Wait... You didn't know? We even got engaged a few months ago...

Hirugami: YOU'RE ENGAGED?!

Hoshiumi: I think I broke him...

*After the game*

Tendou: Waka-kun!

*Everyone stares at Tendou while Ushijima runs up to him and scoops him in his arms*

Ushijima: Satori, what are you doing here?

Tendou: Surprise!

Ushijima: Hi my paradise.

*Ushijima kisses Tendou and puts him down*

Tendou: It's good to be back. You were great out there, by the way.

Ushijima: Thanks, love.

Hirugami: Hello, you must be Ushijima-san's husband.

Tendou: Yes, that's me.

Sokolov: Are you really a chocolatier in Paris? 

Tendou: Yeah. Actually, I'm the owner of ________.

Hirugami: No way, really? Holy shit- that's like the most famous chocolate brand in the world!

Tendou: I wouldn't say it's known that much, but yeah, many people know it.

Kageyama: Hey, Tendou-san.

Tendou: It's Ushijima now.

Kageyama: Right. Well, I want to propose to Hinata, but I don't know how. I got some ideas from other people but it would help hearing your story as well.

Tendou: Well, I thought we would win when we were playing against you guys, so I would propose on the court. But, we lost. So, after the game, I pulled him to the side, got on one knee and said, "I know 3 years of dating isn't much, but I also know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll understand if you reject me, or want to wait a little while longer. But I want to ask you anyway. Ushijima Wakatoshi, will you marry me?" he was already crying because we lost. But then he started crying even harder.

*Tendou, chuckling*: He couldn't even form words so he just nodded.

*Ushijima, blushing*: Ok, that's enough, Satori.

Tendou: Aww, are you embarrassed, my love?

*Ushijima, blushing harder*: No.

Tendou: You're too cute for my heart. Can we go home now? I'm kind of tired and I want to cuddle.

Ushijima: Sure, let's go.

*In the background*

Hirugami: Sachirō! Why didn't you tell me that you were engaged to Hoshiumi?!

Sachirō: Oops-



I'm sorry if some of the Adlers characters are ooc, I was too lazy to do a character study on them. Also the Hirugami here is Fukurō Hirugami, Sachirō Hirugami's older brother.

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