70. Tsukkiyamakagehina

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Main pairing: Tsukkikageyamahina (Tsukishima x Kageyama x Yamaguchi x Hinata)

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None

Time: Pre-timeskip 


I haven't done shots from the life of anyone lately, so here you go :)


1. Tsukkiyama

Yamaguchi: Kei, did i ever tell you that you cook well? 

Tsukishima: No, you haven't actually.

Yamaguchi: Then why do you keep cooking? 

Tsukishima: I hate you.


2. Tsukihina

Tsukishima: Breasts or thighs? 

Hinata: I like your personality the most. 

Tsukishima: That's nice, but I meant which chicken part you want for the bucket meal.


3. Tsukikage

Tsukishima: King, what did i tell you about lying? 

*Kageyama, mumbling*: ...That it only works on Hinata.


4. Kagehina

Hinata: You made me cry. 

Kageyama: Baby. 

Hinata: Now is not the time for endearments. 

Kageyama: No, I'm calling you a baby, I'm insulting you.


5. Yamahina

Yamaguchi: I have a bad feeling about this. 

Hinata: What do you mean? 

Yamaguchi: Don't you have that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble? 

Hinata: No? 

Yamaguchi: That actually explains so much.


6. Yamayama

*Kageyama, bad at flirting*: You smell really good. 

*Yamaguchi, equally as bad*: Thanks, i use both my nostrils.


7. Tsukikage

Tsukishima: Why can't dinosaurs clap? Because their arms are too sho-

Kageyama: Because they're all dead.

*Tsukishima, pouting*: You ruined the joke. 


8. Tsukkiyama

Yamaguchi: You drink too much caffeine. 

Tsukishima: Coffee spelled backwards is eeffoc. And i don't give eeffoc about your opinion.


9. Tsukihina

Tsukishima: I need some serotonin.

*Hinata stands up but then sits down*

Hinata: For a moment there, i forgot what serotonin was and was about to get you some.

Tsukishima: I love you.


10. Kagehina

Kageyama: Just so you know, if you go to jail, I won't wait for you.

Hinata: Yeah, because you'd be in the cell next door.


Tsukishima in 7: 🥺   Tsukishima in 8: 🙄

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