8º Chapter

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I was laying flat on the couch, my eyes were red and swollen from crying almost all afternoon. I still don't understand why Kol's words keep hurting me so much, it's nothing I haven't heard before, so why? I heard a knock on my door and the ringbell right after but I was too angry to be with anyone right now. After a few knocks on the door everything was silent again, at least I didn't have to get up from the couch to see who it was. I close my eyes again only to feel a gust of wind blow past me. I open my eyes quickly and sit up on the couch only to see Kol in front of me, his eyes set on my face which is most likely a mess at the moment.

"You know it's rude to enter someone's house uninvited don't you?" - I say in a low tone because of my dry throat.

"Yes, I know darling. But I need to talk to you." - He smiles but quickly his expression changes to confusion when he realizes the tears that threaten to fall again from my eyes.

"Why? So you can tell me again that my two ancestors were sluts? I heard it the first time, there is no need to repeat it." - My voice is getting out in pieces.

"No Elena, that's not what I was going to say." - He said, taking a little step in my direction.

"Good, because I already know that... And you don't need to remind me that I almost did the same with Stefan and Damon, because I know Kol. I know I almost made the same mistake, but I would never be able to purposely hurt either of them. So, do me a favor and just leave..." - I say avoid looking into his eyes.

"I'm not leaving Elena, what the hell are you talking about?" - He asked, confused by my words.

"I'm talking about what you fucking said in the class... You said that us doppelgangers love to put ourselves between the love of two brothers, but you know what Kol? I didn't do it." - I say it harshly.

"Elena, I wasn't calling you anything... I was just stating the facts." - He says, as if it were something obvious, as if it were something simple to understand. It might even be simple if he was the one who had to share the same face with two different people.

"Facts? Facts Kol? Fucking hell...Get out." - I say in a very angry way pointing my finger to the door.

"No." - He says looking straight into my eyes.

"Get the fuck out of my house Kol." - I say as I try to remain calm.

"I'm not going to leave Elena." - He informed me in a convincing way what made me even more mad at him.

"Kol, just... please go. I really thought you might be different from what people say about you, but apparently I was wrong.... Everyone said you were just a spoiled, 1000-year-old vampire who is still immature and childish, a psychopath and maniac, who kills just for the pleasure of killing. Maybe these people were right, maybe you don't deserve to have friends and people who care about you, because in the end... you don't give two fuck about your friends feelings. Now please... leave."

I ignored all the voices in my head telling me to be quiet, that what I was saying was nothing more than anger in the form of words, that none of the words coming out of my lips were what I really felt. My heart squeezed slightly in my chest when I saw Kol coming out the door of my house with a serious face and eyes full of sadness.

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