44º Chapter

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Everyone in Mystic Falls was invited to this party, including my friends. I walked down the stairs into the ball room only to find Marcel with Hope in his lap. The girl was looking at him with frowned eyebrows, that made her look so much like Niklaus. I walked in their direction touching Marcel's shoulder, when he turned to me I could see how relieved he looked when he saw me.

"Do you want me to hold her for a second?" - I asked him and I just saw him nod multiple times as he put the 3 year old Hope on my lap.

"Thank you so much Elena. After all this babysitting, I need a drink." - He said getting out of my sight.

I laughed at what he said, the music was already playing and so I danced with Hope who desperately wanted to go to the floor so she could dance properly. I grabbed her little hands and I tried to dance the best way I could, but it wasn't easy with my heels on. Rebekah finally decided to appear, she took Hope on her lap as the three of us danced together laughing at how cute Hope looked when she tried to dance on Rebekah's hip. I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I turned I couldn't contain the smile.

"Bon, Care... you've come!" - I said, hugging both of my friends.

"We wouldn't miss it, Lena!" - Bonnie was the one that spoke, I could feel from a mile away how much Rebekah was feeling uncomfortable with the presence of both girls. I looked at Caroline who smiled at me before she spoke.

"Rebekah...I wanted to apologize... for everything we have done to you or your family. I was so obsessed with Tyler at the time that I put all of my rage on you and not on your brother. I'm really sorry." - Caroline said, which made me smile because I could sense that the apology was genuine.

"It's okay Caroline... I understand why you did what you did to me... I probably would've done worse if i were you." - Rebekah said, which made me smile.

"Thank god! I will be finally able to be with my 3 best friends at the same time.

I looked at Hayley getting downstairs, I excused myself for the girls as I grabbed Hope walking in the direction of the mother of the child. I grabbed Hayley's arm lightly, making her look at me in surprise. She took Hope from my arms and smiled at me.

"Hayley, please fix your hair... and tell Elijah to fix his tie." I said in a low tone knowing perfectly well that she could hear me.

"It's not what..." - Hayley tried to say but i stopped her by laughing.

"What do I think it is? Yeah... I knew from the moment I saw him look at you this afternoon... sorry to inform you but, friends don't look at friends that way. Your secret is safe with me." - I said to her, making her smile.

"Thank you Elena."

The girl said, making me smile at her, she turned her back to me making her way to the other side of the room while I got back near the girls. Bonnie had the great idea of going to the bar so we could take some shots. If I were human, I would be buzzed right now because we had already drunk at least 10 shots each. I was looking around me trying to find Kol but he was nowhere to be seen.

"So Elena, tell me. You and Kol had already have sex?" - Caroline asked, making me choke on my drink.

"Oh please, I don't really need to hear this, you know?" - Rebekah said, making every one of us laugh.

"Of course..." - I told them to clean the few drops of vodka that had fallen on my dress.

"Since he returned, I think that is what Bonnie is trying to ask." - Caroline said looking at me, I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Not yet..." - I said looking at the girls. - "I really want to, so fucking bad. But I think that he wants to wait, because knowing Kol is like I know. If he wanted to, he would have already come looking for me." - I said looking at the girls that had a devilish smile on their face looking behind me.

"He's in this room?" - I asked them, making them nod. - "And knowing Kol, he just heard everything that i have just said, he has a smirk on his face and he is walking in our direction, am i right?" - I asked again, making the girls nod again. Now I won't be able to take that smirk out of his face all night.

"Care to join me on the dance floor?" - Kol asked from behind me.

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